Page 164 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 164

Made from prized huanghuali wood of attractively warm brown and   黃花梨製,頂面標準榫卯攢邊框,鑲兩拼面心板,牙頭光素,腿子截面
           amber tones, and set with a lively-grained two-board top, the present   圓形,以兩根橫棖連接。結構清雅,渾厚圓實,木紋緻密,亮澤如蜜,
           table is a remarkable example of one of the most versatile and popular   盡現傳統中國家具之經典,細節間無不透露了原主人的顯赫身世。
           designs in Chinese furniture. The popularity of this linear form is
           evident in its continuous popularity without any major evolution in the   此類桌案歷史上被稱為「一字桌式」,蓋因平直的案形與漢字「一」
           design. The elegant wood grain and the smoothly-finished joinery of   相似。該造形似從漢代木造建築演化而來,宋代已可見此樣式,榫卯
           the present example indicate that this table would have belonged to a   結構,沿邊嵌牙條,雙橫棖,並屢見於宋畫。參考明代仇英臨宋人畫
           high-ranking member of the court or a scholar.    冊之《村童鬧學圖》中所繪二條案,見王世襄著,〈Development of
                                                             Furniture Design and Construction from the Song to the Ming〉,收錄於
           Recessed-leg tables were historically referred to as ‘character one’   《Chinese Furniture: Selected Articles from Orientations 1984-1999》,
           tables yi zi zhuo shi, as the single horizontal stroke of the Chinese   香港,1999年,頁55,圖版35。
           character for the numeral ‘one’ resembles this linear form. This design
           appears to have derived from standard wood building construction   平頭案由於質樸簡練,曲直合度,宜作多方用途,常於一戶正廳之中
           employed from as early as the Han dynasty. This particular design   靠牆擺放,用以展示古玩字畫,從而成為主人身份地位的象徵。見
           with side stretchers is known from as early as the Song dynasty   S.Handler著,《Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture》,
           (960-1279), when tables with bridle and tenon joints, a continuous   伯克利,2001年,頁224-238。
           apron with small spandrels, and double stretchers at the sides were
           produced. See two recessed-leg tables depicted in a painting entitled   參考一件十七世紀黃花梨平頭案,見R.D.Jacobsen與N.Grindley著,
           ‘Country Boys Playing Chess’, attributed to the Song period and   《明尼阿波利斯藝術館藏中國古典家具》,明尼阿波利斯,1999年,
           illustrated by Wang Shixiang, ‘Development of Furniture Design and   頁122-123,編號40 。另有一件十七世紀黃花梨平頭案,與本例相
           Construction from the Song to the Ming’, Chinese Furniture: Selected   似,售於香港佳士得,2015年11月10日,拍品編號380;及一件十八
           Articles from Orientations 1984-1999, Hong Kong, 1999, p.55, pl.35.   世紀黃花梨平頭案,售於香港佳士得,2012年11月28日,拍品編號
           Because of their light and simple form, these tables could be easily
           moved from one location to another. They were usually placed against
           the wall in the main hall of the family compound where important
           visitors were received and family ceremonies took place; hence these
           tables became representative of their owner’s status and level of
           refinement and functioned as surfaces on which to display cherished
           antiquities, artefacts, scroll paintings, to practice calligraphy and
           painting, and even play the qin; see S.Handler, Austere Luminosity of
           Chinese Classical Furniture, Berkeley, 2001, pp.224-238.

           Compare with a huanghuali recessed-leg table, 17th century, illustrated
           by R.D.Jacobsen and N.Grindley, Classical Chinese Furniture in the
           Minneapolis Museum of Arts, Minneapolis, 1999, pp.122-123, no.40.
           A similar huanghuali recessed-leg table, 17th century, was sold at
           Christie’s Hong Kong, 10 November 2015, lot 380. See also a rare
           huanghuali recessed-leg altar table, 18th century, which was sold at
           Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012, lot 2028.

                                                                   ‘Country Boys Playing in Class’, attributed to the Song dynasty

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