Page 188 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 188
The present table is an exceptionally rare and elegant example of its 酒桌頂面攢邊打槽做法,冰盤沿中間打窪起線腳,直牙條沿輪廓線起陽
type. Its clean timeless outline, resulting from its rectilinear members 線,牙頭花瓣式。整體夾頭榫結構。直腿四面正中打窪,形成花棱式
and strong proportions, provides a pleasing aesthetic effect which 腳,以雙橫棖連接,棖面雙素混面中間打窪成花棱式,與線腳呼應。
would have greatly appealed to the scholar-collector. In addition, the
fluted legs supporting the flat top are features rarely encountered on 酒桌屬於中小型的長方案形結體,主要為飲酒用膳之用;明代宴飲往
huanghuali tables, as circular or square legs were normally used to 往主客兩人共用一桌,賓客多時,則人各一桌,故而大大增加了此類
support recessed-leg tables. 桌案的需求量。除此之外,酒桌也可靠牆擺放,用於陳設古玩字畫和
Wine tables were often used for dining, usually accommodating one 代的家居陳設。河南白沙宋墓壁畫中就描繪了墓主人夫婦於此類桌案
or two individuals. However, they were also placed next to walls, 兩側對坐宴飲之場景,見宿白著,《白沙宋墓》,北京,1957年。
supporting flower vases, incense burners and art objects. Their 明代《趙盼兒風月救風塵》木刻版畫插圖中繪製了一對男女坐在平頭
restrained form and graceful splay of the legs may be traceable to 小案一側,享用酒肴;收錄於伍嘉恩著,《木趣居:家具中的嘉具》,
domestic furniture design of the Song dynasty. See for example the 北京,2017年,頁154。
elegant couple seated at a very similar table as the present example,
enjoying wine served in lotus-shaped cups, depicted on the wall of 一張安思遠舊藏十七世紀黃花梨酒桌,腿足裝飾與本例相似,售於紐
a Song dynasty tomb in Baisha, Henan Province, illustrated by Su 約佳士得,2015年3月17日,拍品編號42。另見一對十七世紀黃花
Bai, ‘Song dynasty tombs in Baisha’Baisha Song mu, Beijing, 1957. 梨桌,收錄於《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,台北,國立歷史博物
Furthermore, a woodblock print from the ‘Rescue of Prostitute by Zhao 館,1999年,頁128-129。
Paner’ Zhao Paner Fengyue Jiu Fengchen, a drama dating to the Ming
dynasty, depicts the protagonist and his female companion also sitting 對比一件形制相仿的明晚期黃花梨小平頭案,收錄於伍嘉恩著,《木
beside a recessed-leg table laid with a wine pot and cups. See G.Wu 趣居:家具中的嘉具》,北京,2017年,頁155。另參考一件十七世
Bruce, The Best of the Best. The Moj Collection of Ming Furniture, 紀黃花梨邊桌,售於香港佳士得,2012年11月28日,拍品編號2003。
Beijing, 2017, p.154.
A huanghuali recessed-leg table supported on similar fluted legs like
the present example, 17th century, formerly in the collection of Robert
Ellsworth, was sold at Christie’s New York, 17 March 2015, lot 42. See
also the pair of small huanghuali tables, 17th century, in the Chen Chite
collection, illustrated in Splendors of Style: Classical Furniture from the
Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing, 1999, pp.128-129.
Compare with a nearly identical huanghuali recessed-leg wine table,
late Ming dynasty, illustrated by G.Wu Bruce, The Best of the Best. The
Moj Collection of Ming Furniture, Beijing, 2017, p.155. A similar slightly
earlier huanghuali waistless-leg side table, banzhuo, 17th century, was
sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012, lot 2003.