Page 257 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 257
A GOLD-SPLASHED BRONZE INCENSE The origin of gold splashes on bronze is 侈口,束頸,圓鼓腹下垂,圈足外撇。爐身
BURNER, GUI unclear. A possible moment of inspiration for 兩側置雙蚰耳,起自頸部,收於腹部。通體
Xuande six-character mark, 17th/18th century the present vessel may have been the Ming 灑金,參差錯落,妙得神韻。爐底中央鑄減
The vessel of bombé form supported on dynasty. This is suggested by a line drawing 地陽文「大明宣德年製」六字楷書款。
a short spreading foot, cast with a pair of of a gold-splashed incense burner in the
loop handles, the bronze patinated to a ‘Illustrated Catalogue of of the Ritual Vessels 本品所用的灑金工藝或創於明代,較傳統
warm chocolate tone liberally decorated with of the Xuande Period’ Xuande Yiqi Tupu. The 的鎏金工藝工序繁複許多,但起源尚不明
irregular gold splashes, the base cast with a work purports to be the wording of an Imperial 晰。《宣德彝器圖譜》繪有一件灑金銅爐,
Xuande six-character mark. decree of 1428 ordering bronzes for the 可資證明。《宣德彝器圖譜》據傳編撰於
19cm (7 1/2in) wide. palace. Many scholars, however, have argued 1428年,然而也有學者認為其成書時間或
that the this work may have been published at 晚於明代。參見R.Kerr著,《Later Chinese
£5,000 - 8,000 a later stage than the Ming dynasty; see R.Kerr, Bronzes》,倫敦,1990年,頁18。
CNY45,000 - 72,000 Later Chinese Bronzes, London, 1990, p.18.
Compare with a similar gold-splashed bronze 「大明宣德年製」款,收錄於S.Moss,
十七/十八世紀 銅灑金蚰龍耳簋式爐 incense burner, Xuande six-character mark, 《The Second Bronze Age. Later Chinee
「大明宣德年製」楷書款 17th-18th century, illustrated by S.Moss, The Metalwork》,1991年,編號56。另有一件
Second Bronze Age. Later Chinee Metalwork, 十七世紀銅灑金蚰龍耳簋式爐,形制大小皆
Provenance: London, 1991, no.56. 似本例,且同樣鑄有宣德仿款,售於倫敦佳
An important European private collection 士得,2019年11月5日,拍品編號82,可資
See also a gold-splashed bronze incense 比對。
來源: burner censer, Xuande six-character mark,
歐洲重要私人收藏 17th century, of similar size and shape to
the present lot, which was sold at Christie’s
London, 5 November 2019, lot 82.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue. THE H COLLECTION | 255