Page 44 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 44

George Kates, Chinese Household Furniture, no.49.
                            George Kates,《Chinese Household Furniture》,編號49

           Jean-Pierre Dubosc was a French connoisseur of Chinese art, a   杜伯秋全名尚-皮耶·杜伯秋,自大學時研習亞洲文化,後娶古董商盧
           diplomat stationed in China during the 1930s-1940s, and son-in-law   芹齋的小女兒為妻。二十世紀三、四十年代,杜伯秋於北京作為外交
           of the renowned Chinese art dealer C. T. Loo. Dubosc promoted Ming   人員就職於法國大使館;後致力於中國明清文人書畫的研究與收藏,
           and Qing literati painting by organising exhibitions and selling works to   參與策劃了一系列重要展覽,並協助諸多西方博物館機構收集中國書
           Western museums.                                  畫。

           Of elegant proportions and form, the present tables would most likely   邊桌主體粽角榫四面平式,桌面攢邊框鑲面心板。方腿直落地面,腿
           have been used as side tables in a scholar’s studio to support art   間加設橫棖,棖子裡口打槽裝屜板,形成隔層,以增加使用空間。除
           objects of considerable weight, such as a scholar’s rock, an incense   屜板下安花形角牙外,通身光素整潔,樸實無華。其一刻有「地右」
           burner or a table screen.                         二字,或為方位標記。

           The origin of side tables fitted with a shelf is unknown. However, the   此類帶屜板的邊桌傳世不多,原型已不可考。台北國立故宮博物院館
           ‘Portrait of Wang Xizhi’, a painting dating to the Song dynasty (960-  藏一幅《宋人人物圖》,畫中士人坐於榻上,注目凝思,榻旁擺放
           1279) depicts the central figure seated next to a side table similar to   邊桌數只,皆施四面腿間橫棖,陳設琴棋書畫、趣事雅玩。據學者考
           the present example, set with scholarly objects. This painting almost   證,本幅畫作或為東晉王羲之《臨鏡自寫真圖》之宋代摹本,後經宋
           certainly inspired an 18th century portrait depicting the Qianlong   徽宗、高宗、清高宗等帝王收藏;清高宗乾隆皇帝很欣賞此類新穎
           Emperor appreciating antiquities, depicted in a very similar guise as   別緻的構圖,諭令宮廷畫家共創作了五幅相似之作,將宋人冊頁中的
           the Song counterpart, beside a rectangular side table fitted with a shelf  文士換成了他的頭像,現藏於北京故宮博物院之《乾隆皇帝是一是二
           displaying an archaic bronze vessel and a table screen; see Chu-Pak   圖軸》是為一例。畫卷中的家具排布雖似《宋人人物圖》之構圖,但
           Lau, Classical Chinese Furniture from the Haven Collection, Hong   陳設種類已大不相同,各式香几桌案,雕飾頗繁;惟左側保留一件邊
           Kong, 2016, p.208.                                桌,腿間加裝屜板,形如本例。上層陳設青銅禮器及嵌玉硯屏,擱板
           Giant’s-arm braces, a feature introduced during the Ming dynasty,   居藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港,2016年,頁208。
           provided additional support on the underside of the table. Their
           use eliminated the need for the more commonly seen ‘humpback’   一對十七世紀中期至十八世紀黃花梨帶屜板長方桌,收錄於見劉柱柏
           stretchers. The strength of this joint allows the table to be supported   著,《晏如居藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港,2016年,頁209, 編號49,
           without stretchers, thereby creating a lighter and more elegant form.   可資比對。
           This device may have originated during the Warring States period (475-
           221 BC) to fasten bronze fittings; see Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship
           of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, vol.1, Hong
           Kong, 1990, pp.121-122.

           Compare with a related pair of corner-leg tables with shelf, mid
           17th/18th century, illustrated by Chu-Pak Lau, Classical Chinese
           Furniture from the Haven Collection, Hong Kong, 2016, p.209, no.49.

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