Page 76 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 76
The Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm
Early Western Zhou DynastyYou
Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm (1869-1953)
Neill Malcolm少將(1869-1953年)
The Malcolm Collection of Chinese early bronzes, ceramics and works Malcolm氏的高古青銅器和陶瓷等中國藝術品收藏,乃是上世紀二
of art was one of the most important private collections of its type 十至四十年代英國最為重要的中國藝術私人鉅藏之一。如Dugald
formed in England during the 1920s-1940s. As described by Captain Malcolm上尉在1977年蘇富比專拍圖錄前言中所述,Neill Malcolm少
Dugald Malcolm in the foreword to the 1977 Sotheby’s catalogue, his 將於1896年首次進入中國,但直至1919年才在柏林購入第一件藏品。
father Sir Neill Malcolm first went to China in 1896. Starting from Leh in 其於1921至1924年在新加坡履職,一戰及二戰期間也曾多次造訪北
Kashmir, the journey to Beijing took seven months. His first purchases 京,購買古董,但其大部分收藏還是購自倫敦。1935至1936年,中國
were made in Berlin in 1919 and then later when he served in 藝術國際博覽會於倫敦皇家藝術學院舉辦,Malcolm少將任執行委員
Singapore (1921-1924). Between the First and Second World Wars he 會委員之一,並借展了所藏16件藏品。1953年Malcolm少將逝世後,
visited Beijing a number of times and made a few purchases, although 其藏品先後出借於倫敦大學下屬的考陶爾德學院與大維德中國藝術基
the bulk of the collecting took place in London. Sir Neill Malcolm was 金會,供學者們研究學習,直至1977年於蘇富比盡數專場釋出。
a member of the Executive Committee of the 1935-1936 Exhibition
at the Royal Academy and lent 16 pieces himself. Since 1953 and
prior to being sold in 1977, the collection was on loan to London
University, first to the Courtauld Institute and then at the Percival David
Foundation, which made the collection available for study to scholars.