Page 10 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 10

         A VERY RARE GUAN LOBED TRIPOD CENSER              南宋   官窯鬲式爐
         SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)
         The bulbous body is potted with three lobes and a raised band on   來源
         the shoulder, supported on three cabriole feet, rising to a slightly   英國Enid Lodge夫人及F. Brodie Lodge先生珍藏
         lipped rim, the handles now missing. It is covered overall with a   倫敦蘇富比,1972年3月14日,拍品97號
         thick, crackled glaze of greyish-green tone, thinning to a purplish   戴潤齋珍藏
         colour at the rim. The base with six small spur marks in a circle,   《戴潤齋珍藏專場拍賣》,紐約蘇富比,2011年3月22日,
         the bottom of feet unglazed, revealing the dark grey body.  拍品183號
         4 Ω in. (11.4 cm.) wide, box
         HK$2,200,000-2,800,000        US$290,000-360,000  借展予哈佛大學福格藝術博物館
                                                           英國東方陶瓷學會,《Ju and Kuan Wares - Imperial Wares of the
         Collection of Mrs. Enid Lodge and the late F. Brodie Lodge, Esq    Sung Dynasty, Related Wares and Derivatives of Later Date》,
         Sold at Sotheby’s London, 14 March 1972, lot 97   倫敦,1952年11月12日-12月13日,圖錄圖版71號
         The J.T. Tai Collection
         Informing the Eye of the Collector: Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art   本爐造型少見,爐身呈瓜棱形,為仿照青銅鬲器而成。通體施厚潤灰青
         from J.T. Tai & Co., sold at Sotheby’s New York, 22 March 2011,   色釉,米色大開片,底有六枚小支釘痕,排列成圓形,三足底部無釉,
         lot 183                                           露出紫褐色胎土,為典型南宋官窯樣式。如杭州老虎洞窯址曾出土一件
         EXHIBITED                                         著錄於2002年杭州出版《杭州老虎洞窯址瓷器精選》,杭州,2002年,
         On loan to the Williams Hayes Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge,   圖75號。
         Oriental Ceramic Society, Ju and Kuan Wares - Imperial Wares of the   另可參考日本靜嘉堂珍藏一件南宋官窯三足爐,器形略異但同樣肩部飾
         Sung Dynasty, Related Wares and Derivatives of Later Date, London,   弦紋,下承三短足,見1977年東京出版《世界陶磁全集–12–宋》,圖
         12th November - 13th December 1952, no. 71        76號;及北京故宮博物院藏一件哥窯鼎式爐,三足較長直,底部同見一
         The unusual form of the present censer, characterised by a bulbous
         lobed body supported on three short feet, is modelled after the archaic   香港,1996年,圖153號。
         bronze li vessel. The thick, opaque crackled glaze and six small spur
         marks arranged in a circle on the underside of the current lot are typical
         of censers made at the Southern Song guan kilns in Hangzhou, such
         as a tripod censer excavated at the Laohudong guan kiln, potted with a
         more rounded body but with similar raised bands on the shoulder and
         six spur marks on the base, illustrated in Hangzhou laohudong yaozhi
         ciqi jingxuan, Hangzhou, 2002, no. 75.
         Compare also to a guan bluish-celadon glazed censer, also with short
         cabriole feet and raised bands on the shoulder, dating to the Southern
         Song dynasty, in the Seikado Collection in Tokyo and illustrated in
         Sekai Toji Zenshu, vol. 12, Song, Tokyo, 1977, pl. 76; and a ge tripod
         censer with long, straight feet, also bearing six circular spur marks
         on the underside, in the Palace Museum Collection, illustrated in The
         Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelain of the
         Song Dynasty (II), Hong Kong, 1996, no. 153.


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