Page 112 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
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fig. 1  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei  fig.2  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                        圖一  國立故宮博物館院藏品                                    圖二  北京故宮博物館院藏品

         2946 Continued
         The Imperial kilns during the Xuande reign produced some of the most   永樂、宣德時期,以鄭和下西洋為例,明政府組織的大航海活動有達八
         innovative, technically challenging, and visually attractive vessels in   次之多,在此背景下,海獸波濤紋和海水龍紋成為景德鎮御器廠的官窯
         the history of ceramics. One of the most successful innovations was
         the combined technique of underglaze-blue painting and overglaze   陶瓷主題,本拍品即是其一。盃形端莊,小器大樣。盃高足近底部起繪
         iron-red enamels, with the present cup being one of the best examples   五組青花山崖,其上繪青花十二隻飛翼海獸分佈於盃身與圈足之上,其
         testifying to such achievement.                   間滿繪礬紅海波洶湧澎湃,青花異形的海獸與紅彩密佈的亂濤形成強烈
         Only five other Xuande-marked stem cups of this design are known.   的視覺衝擊效果。盃身所繪飛翼大象題材,亦同為宣德朝所獨創。盃底
         Three are in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, as recorded in ‘Ming-  部平坦,胎釉結合處微顯淡淡火石紅色。盃內底青花雙圈內楷書六字宣
         jia’ Gugong ciqi tulu, vol. 2, Taipei, 1962, pp. 194-195, one of which is   德官窯款。
         illustrated in the Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Selected Hsüan-
         te Imperial Porcelains of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 1998, pp. 222-223,   將釉下青花與釉上礬紅彩相結合繪製完整圖畫,始自明宣德一朝,故青
         no. 84 (fig. 1). The fourth is in the Tianminlou Collection, illustrated   花海獸礬紅彩海水紋高足盃,向為明宣德時期製中國陶瓷之名品,今僅
         in Chinese Porcelain-The S.C. Ko Tianminlou Collection, Part II, Hong   知其他五件,三件藏於台北故宮博物院,參見《故宮瓷器圖錄》第二輯
         Kong, 1987, no. 6. The fifth is illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu, vol. 14,
         Tokyo, 1976, p. 179, fig. 185, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October   〈明·甲〉,台北,1962 年,頁 194-195 及《明代宣德官窯菁華特展
         2013, lot 3029.                                   圖錄》,1998 年,頁 222-223,圖版編號 84(圖一);一由香港天民
                                                           樓珍藏,見《天民樓珍藏青花瓷器》,下冊,香港,1987 年,圖版編號
         Xuande-marked stem cups of this size and shape, are also decorated
         in reverse, with the mythical sea creatures in iron red on a ground of   66;一件載於《世界陶磁全集》,第 14 冊,東京,1976 年,頁 179,
         underglaze-blue waves, such as the example in the Palace Museum,   圖 185,後拍賣於香港蘇富比,2013 年 10 月 8 日,拍品 3029 號。
         Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
         Museum: Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (I), Hong   除此件以青花繪海獸礬紅彩繪海水紋高足盃外,亦見有裝飾技法相反之
         Kong, 2000, p. 255, no. 231 (fig. 2); another in the Shanghai Museum,   青花繪海水礬紅彩繪海獸紋之宣德高足盃,參見北京故宮藏品,《故宮
         illustrated in Shanghai Bowuguan cangpin yanjiu daxi: Mingdai guanyao   博物院藏文物珍品全集:青花釉裡紅 ( 上 )》,香港,2000 年,頁 255,
         ciqi [Ming imperial porcelain], Shanghai, 2007, no. 3-51; and a third in   圖版編號 231(圖二);上海博物館藏品,《上海博物館藏品研究大系
         the Cleveland Museum of Art, illustrated in Ming Porcelain, London,
         1978, no. 63.                                     — 明代官窯瓷器》,上海,2007 年,編號 3-51;克利夫蘭藝術博物館
                                                           藏品,《Ming Porcelain》,倫敦,1978 年,圖版編號 63。
         The design of nine mythical creatures is discussed by J. Harrison-Hall,
         Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, London, 2001, p. 128, no. 4:13,   由此兩種彩釉互為採用一種紋飾於同型器物之上,可見宣德朝首創青花
         where the author notes that the creatures can be found in Shan Hai   礬紅彩時之實驗性質與當日新奇之實效。
         Jing (Classic of the Seas and Mountains), a book completed in the Han
         dynasty by Liu Xiang and his son, revised and illustrated by Guo Pu in
         the Eastern Jin dynasty.

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