Page 21 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 21

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               A WHITE JADE POMEGRANATE-FORM BOX AND             清乾隆   白玉榴開百子連枝盒
               COVER                                             白玉質,帶沁斑。器呈石榴形,分為盒蓋和盒身兩部分,以
               QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
               The rounded fruit is formed from a single pebble, carved on the   葉、枝幹,還有趴在石榴上的小蟲,設計精細逼真,小巧可
               exterior in openwork with two leafy branches extending around   愛。
               the sides and interlocking to form a hinge. The cover is further
               carved in relief with a small cicada seated to one side above the   來源
               large flowerhead straddling the box and cover, the stone of an even   紐約佳士得,1985年12月2日,拍品313號
               white tone with small russet and opaque inclusions.  《Alan and Simone Hartman 重要玉器珍藏》,香港佳士
               3 º in. (8.3 cm.) long                            得,2007年11月27日,拍品1515號
               HK$300,000-500,000               US$39,000-64,000  展覽
               Sold at Christie’s New York, 2 December 1985, lot 313  波士頓美術博物館,《哈特曼收藏中國玉器》,2003年8月至
               The Alan and Simone Hartman Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong  2004年12月
               Kong, 27 November 2007, lot 1515
               EXHIBITED                                         Roger Keverne編,《玉器》,倫敦,1991年,頁152,圖版
               Christie’s New York, 13-26 March, 2001            61號及62號
               Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Chinese Jades from the Hartman   Robert Kleiner,《哈特曼收藏中國玉器》,香港,1996年,
               Collection, August 2003-December 2004
               Roger Keverne ed., Jade, London, 1991, p. 152, figs. 61 and 62    石榴,果內結實﹙種子﹚甚多,寓意多子多孫,金枝繁盛。古時在訂婚
               Robert Kleiner, Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and Simone   下聘或迎娶送嫁時有互贈石榴的風俗,象徵多福多子,開枝散葉。
               Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, no. 86
               Compare with a similar peach box and cover with interlocking branches
               joining the two halves in the Victoria and Albert Museum illustrated by
               M. Wilson, Chinese Jades, London, 2004, p. 56, no. 58, where the author
               notes that this group of carvings is very impressive from a technical
               point of view because of the great precision it would have involved
               for the two halves of the box to fit together so perfectly. Another very
               similar pomegranate box with a small insect resting on the cover in the
               collection of the Seattle Art Museum is illustrated by J. Watt, Chinese
               Jades from the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, 1989, p.
               99, no. 78.

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