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fig. 1  A similar Wanli-marked blue and white censer illustrated in Auction
                                     Catalogue of the Suzuki Family Collection, Tokyo, 1928, no. 285
                                 圖一  近似萬曆款香爐,載於 1928 年東京美術俱樂部《鈴木家藏品入札》,編號 285

         2912 Continued

         Wanli censers of this rare form with their original fitted covers are   萬曆青花方爐帶原蓋者極為罕見。1928 年東京美術俱樂部《鈴木家藏
         extremely rare. A very similar Wanli blue and white censer and cover   品入札》中載有一件萬曆雲龍八卦紋蓋爐,編號 285(圖一);以及一
         from the Suzuki family collection, is illustrated in the Auction Catalogue
         of the Suzuki Family Collection, Tokyo Bijutsu Club, 1928, no. 285 (fig. 1),   例拍賣於倫敦蘇富比,2009 年 11 月 4 日,拍品 68 號。此式方爐無蓋
         and another was sold at Sotheby’s London, 4 November 2009, lot 68.   者可見 Gustaf Hillestrom 珍藏一例,載於瑞典遠東古物博物館,《Ming
                                                           blue-and-white》,斯德哥爾摩,1964 年,編號 75;東京出光美術館
         Wanli censers of similar form and decoration but lacking the covers
         include one from the collection of Gustaf Hillestrom, included in the   藏一例,載於《出光美術館藏品圖錄:中國陶瓷》,東京,1987 年,編
         exhibition, The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Ming blue-and-  號 735;1916 年大阪美術俱樂部《小寺氏所藏品入礼》一例,編號 231
         white, Stockholm, 1964, no. 75; one from the Idemitsu Collection, is   以及香港佳士得拍賣一例,2005 年 5 月 30 日,編號 1453。
         illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, 1987,
         no. 735; one in the Auction Catalogue of Kodera Collection, Osaka   萬曆青花方蓋爐另有一種有口沿上置雙立耳,獅形鈕的器形,如國立故
         Bijustsu Club, 1916. no.231 and another was sold at Christie’s Hong   宮博物院所藏的雲龍八卦方爐,收錄於《故宮藏瓷:明青花瓷・隆慶萬
         Kong, 30 May 2005, lot 1453.                      曆》,第六冊,香港, 1963年,頁46-47,編號9;以及戶栗美術館藏一例,
         Wanli rectangular censers and covers of this type also exist in a   見《中國陶瓷名品圖錄》,東京,1988 年,頁 96,編號 114。正如本品
         form with upright bail handles and lion-form finial such as one in the   腿足內翻馬蹄的做法為效仿明式家具一樣,這兩件立耳蓋爐的腿足中部
         National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Blue-and-White Ware of   出雲頭的做法也來自於同時期家具的設計。
         the Ming Dynasty, vol. 6, Hong Kong, 1963, pp. 46-7, no. 9 and another
         in the Toguri Museum of Art, illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in the
         Toguri Collection, Tokyo, 1988, p. 96, no. 114. It is interesting to note
         that the legs of these two censers also imitate the design of Ming

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