Page 64 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
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fig. 1  Collection of the Hebei Institute of Cultural Relics  fig. 2  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                        圖一  河北省文物研究所藏品                                    圖二  國立故宮博物院藏品

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         Combining rare form, delicate decoration, and most importantly guan   盤花口,斜直腹,平底,內壁瀝粉作十二瓣花形,內底中心淺浮雕飾柿
         (official) marks, this pair of square dishes represents the finest Ding   蒂紋接四角之花葉紋。裏外施白釉,足底無釉,刻「官」字款。
         wares produced in the 10th century and appears to be unique. During
         the late Tang to Five Dynasties period, Ding replaced Xing ware as   此對定窯花口方盤造型別致,紋飾秀麗,是五代至北宋初年間定窯極精
         the producer of the finest white ceramics. It was during this period   之作,兩盤俱署「官」字款,成對保存更是鳳毛麟角,似為孤例。晚唐
         that Ding wares began receiving the long-lasting patronage from the
         imperial court. According to the ceramic scholar Quan Kuishan, the   五代時期,定窯取代邢窯成為首屈一指的白瓷窯口,相應而來的是宮廷
         character guan on Ding wares refers to the Taiguanshu under the   對定窯長達三百餘年的青睞。據陶瓷史學者權奎山研究,定窯瓷器上的
         Guanglusi, which was the Ministry of Imperial Household responsible   「官」字刻款指代官府機構光祿寺下屬的太官署,「官」字款瓷器為
         for dietary and beverage supplies at court, see Quan Kuishan, ‘Tang   太官署的定燒瓷,見權奎山〈唐五代時期定窯初探〉,《故宮博物院院
         Wudai shiqi dingyao chutan’, Palace Museum Journal, 2008, no. 4, p. 50.   刊》,第四期,2008年,頁50。另據上海博物館陸明華介紹,《曲陽縣
         Lu Minghua from the Shanghai Museum found in the Quyang xianzhi
         (Gazette of Quyang County) a record of Feng Ao, one of the donors of   志》中記載後周顯德四年的一通碑記上有「使押衙銀青光祿大夫檢校太
         a stele erected in the 4th year of Xiande era of the Later Zhou dynasty   子賓客殿中使御史充龍泉鎮使鈐轄瓷窯商稅務使馮翱」之內容。由這位
         (AD 957). Among Feng Ao’s various titles, there is one requiring him   從三品高階官員充任的瓷窯商稅務使一職當兼有為官方督陶之使命,見
         to supervise the taxations of ceramics. Lu Minghua argued that given   陸明華,〈邢窯「盈」字及定窯「易定」考〉,《上海博物館集刊》,
         the rank of Feng Ao, he was probably also responsible for supervising
         ceramic production for the court, see Lu Minghua, ‘Identification of   第四期,1987年,頁261。因而本對定窯「官」字款花口方盤是由官方
         Characters “ 盈 ” (ying) on the Xing Ware and “ 昜定 ” (yiding) on the   定燒並督造的貢瓷。
         Ding Ware’, The Bulletin of the Shanghai Museum, vol. 4, 1987,
         p. 261. As such, it is possible that the guan-marked Ding wares were   花口方盤的器形源於金銀器,其採用的瀝粉裝飾亦忠實地模仿了金銀器
         commissioned by the Taiguanshu and produced under the supervision   上錘碟浮雕紋飾效果。河北曲陽縣定窯遺址出土有一件定窯花口方盤的
         of court officials.                               殘片,內底飾對蝶紋,無款,載於故宮博物院編,《定瓷雅集-故宮博
         The form of present dishes is made to imitate gold and silver wares   物院珍藏及出土定窯瓷器薈萃》,北京,2012,頁68-9,編號20(圖
         and the slip decorations are also reminiscent of high relief repoussé   一)。河北文物研究所藏有一對同類的花口方盤,內底飾牡丹紋,無
         decoration on gold and silver wares. A shard of Ding square dish of   款,載於《中國出土瓷器全集:天津、遼寧、吉林、黑龍江》,第二
         similar form but decorated with a pair of confronted butterflies and   冊,北京,2008年,編號11。帶「官」字款的定窯器物多為圓形盌、
         without the mark was found in Ding kiln sites and included in Selection
         of Ding Ware-the Palace Museum’s Collection and Archaeological   盤,例如國立故宮博物院藏一件「官」款雙脊瓣花式盌,載於蔡玫芬,
         Excavation, Beijing, 2012, pp.68-9, no. 20. (fig. 1) A pair of Ding foliate-  《定州花瓷-院藏定窯系白瓷特展》,台北,2014年,頁37,編號I-18
         rim square dishes decorated with peony motif is in the Hebei Institute   (圖二),浙江省博物館藏一件「官」款雙脊瓣花口盤,載於《中國出
         of Cultural Relics, illustrated in Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji (Complete   土瓷器全集:浙江》,第9冊,北京,2008年,編號106,以及遼寧省
         Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in China): Tianjin, Liaoning, vol. 2,
         Jilin, Heilongjiang, Beijing, 2008, no. 11. The majority of guan-marked   博物館藏一件「官」款盌,載於《中國陶瓷全集:定窯》,第9冊,京
         Ding wares are rounded bowls or dishes, such as a guan-marked   都,1981年,編號17。
         foliate bowl in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated by Tsai
         Meifen, Decorated Porcelains of Dingzhou: White Ding Wares from
         the Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014, p. 37, no.
         I-18 (fig. 2), a guan-marked foliate-rim dish in the Zhejiang Provincial
         Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection
         of Ceramic Art Unearthed in China): Zhejiang, vol. 9, Beijing, 2008,
         no. 106, and a guan-marked bowl in the Liaoning Provincial Museum,
         illustrated in Zhongguo taoci quanji, Dingyao, vol. 9, Kyoto, 1981, no. 17.

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