Page 74 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 74

2170                             2171                             His hair on the back of his head is covered        2172
         NETSUKE: REISHI MUSHROOM IN THE   NETSUKE: SAMPLER FOR BAGS OF    with a typical cloth, from which long              NETSUKE OF SEIOBO
         SHAPE OF RUYI SCEPTER.           RICE IN THE SHAPE OF FUKUROKUJU.  ribbons fall on his back. As himotoshi a          WITH PEACH BASKET.
         NETSUKE: REISHI - PILZ EIN       NETSUKE: REISSTECHER IN FORM DES   hole is drilled in the back and the string       NETSUKE DER SEIOBO MIT
         RUYI - SZEPTER BILDEND.          FUKUROKUJU.                      is led through the natural opening of the          DEM PFIRSICHKORB.
         Japan. 19th c.                   Japan. 18th/19th c.              horn. Length 19.8cm. Condition A/B.                Japan. 18th c.

         Boxwood, carved and with residue of   Stag antler, carved and with old polished   € 1.200 – 1.500 | $ 1.332 – 1.665  Dark wood with black rubbed lacquer.
         black lacquer. The mushroom is strongly   patina. The figure follows the form of the                                  The super - slender figure of an elegant
         elongated, ends in a bulb and the upper   tip of a stag antler. The standing god has                                 Chinese lady is wrapped in long - sleeved
         cap is slightly tilted forward so that the   a strongly elongated cranium. His face                                  robes, a stole is draped around her
         whole has the shape of an obi hasami.   carved expressively. He is dressed in a                                      shoulders. Her robe suitably decorated
         At the front and at the back each two   Chinese garment, decorated with Chinese                                      with clouds and her hair is pinned up in
         smaller mushrooms have grown. There   characters, and holds a leaf fan.                                              a peach knot. In front of her, she holds
         are small holes drilled in the topmost                                                                               a basket with a twig of two peaches
         hat and in the stem, which may have                                                                                  promising eternal life. Height 12.3cm.
         been intended as a string runner.                                                                                    Condition B. On the back at the seam an
         Length 15.3cm. Condition B. An original                                                                              old chip.
         imperfection on the hat of the uppermost
         mushroom repaired.                                                                                                   € 1.200 – 1.500 | $ 1.332 – 1.665

         € 900 – 1.200 | $ 999 – 1.332

                                                             2170                       2171

         Netsuke & Inrô
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