Page 92 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 92
2318 Provenance: 2319 Provenance:
NETSUKE: SHISHI WITH - Dutch private collection. NETSUKE: SQUIRREL ON - Dutch private collection. Acquired from
NETSUKE: SHISHI MIT € 2.500 – 3.500 | $ 2.775 – 3.885 | ‡ NETSUKE: EICHHÖRNCHEN
JUNGES UND GROßEM BALL. AUF PILZEN. € 3.000 – 4.000 | $ 3.330 – 4.440 | ‡
Japan. 18th/19th c. Japan. Edo period. 18th c.
Ivory finely carved and with beautiful Ivory, beautifully carved, with dark
shiny patina. Supporting himself on the accentuated details and a shiny golden
ground with his left hind leg, the shishi patina. Eyes inlaid with dark horn. The
holds the ball with the three remaining small rodent squats on a mushroom, two
paws. Meanwhile the small cub tries with further mushrooms grouped to it. It has
all fours to climb onto the ball, which is raised its left front paw and seems to
much too big for him. In the mouth of the be ready to run away at any time. Small
big Shishi a moving ball. Height 3.6cm. traces of gnawing show that the squirrel
Condition A/B. Age cracks. has already enjoyed the big mushroom.
Width 5.1cm. Condition A/B.