Page 327 - September 23 to 24 Important Chinese Art Christie's NYC
P. 327

          A PURPLE-GROUND SILK BROCADE ROBE, CHUBA            Interaction with Tibet, which began in the 10th century, underscores the
          QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)                            complexities of China's diplomacy and trade. After the collapse of the Tang
                                                              dynasty, Tibetans established a rival dynasty, the Xia, which controlled the
          The side-closing chuba was tailored in Tibet from Chinese Qing dynasty
                                                              Gansu corridor and trade with Central Asia and the West. Although Tibetan
          purple silk brocade, woven in gold and multi-colored threads with five-clawed
                                                              imperial ambitions were crushed by the Yuan dynasty in the 13th century, its
          dragons grasping flaming pearls and superimposed against a background
                                                              leaders continued to enjoy special prominence, due to the strong attachment
          of cloud clusters picked out in various shades of pink, blue, green and ochre,
                                                              of the Mongol court to Tantric Buddhism. In the Ming dynasty, the court
          all above the terrestrial diagram tossed with the Eight Buddhist emblems
                                                              renewed the Yuan practice of bestowing gifts and titles on Tibetan religious
          (bajixiang) at the hem. The collar and cuffs are fashioned from the lishui.
                                                              leaders and of sanctioning trade in luxury goods. Religious power politics
          57Ω in. (146.1 cm.) long x 60 in. (152.4 cm) wide
                                                              involving Tibet and Mongolia lasted into the 17th century and imperial
                                                              patronage of Tibetan Buddhism continued throughout the Qing dynasty.
                                                              Tibet, which had no indigenous silk industry, looked to China to supply these
                                                              luxuries for its aristocracy and high-ranking clergy. Although some silks were
          Robert Brandt, London, 2007.                        manufactured specifically for the Tibetan market, many of the textiles sent

          美國私人珍藏                                              to Tibet had originally been produced for the Chinese court, such as the
                                                              present robe. They were often drawn from textiles amassed by the imperial
          清   紫地織錦緞彩雲龍紋藏袍                                     household and held in reserve for such purposes. Although highly prized,
                                                              garments and furnishing fabrics were often re-cut to fit Tibetan costume
                                                              styles or to serve new functions, which were often at variance with their
          Robert Brandt, 倫敦, 2007年。
                                                              original decorative schemes and symbolic meanings.

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