Page 135 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 135

869 A FINELY MOLDED DING BOWL  北宋 金ǭ定窯白釉印花卉紋盌
 The bowl has gently rounded sides rising to a notched, unglazed   Ϝ源
 rim and is crisply molded on the interior with four peony   藍理捷
 blossoms borne on leafy stems enclosing a floral spray in the
 recessed center, all below a narrow keyfret border. It is covered
 overall with a clear glaze of faint ivory tone continuing over the
 small ring foot and recessed base.
 6Ω in. (16.3 cm.) diam., cloth box
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4263.
 Molded decoration on Ding wares was adopted in the latter
 part of the Northern Song dynasty (AD 960-1127) and
 flourished during the Jin dynasty (1115-1234). A similar lobed
 molded Ding bowl of larger size similarly decorated with sprays
 of peony blossoms and keyfret border, in the National Palace
 Museum, Taipei, is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue
 Dingzhou huaci: yuan cang Dingyai xi baici tezhan (Decorated
 Porcelains of Dingzhou: White Ding wares from the
 Collection of the National Palace Museum), Taipei, 2013,
 p. 164, no. II-106, where it is dated Northern Song-Jin
 dynasty, 12th century. Another lobed Ding bowl with closely
 related molded floral decoration, also in the collection of the
 National Palace Museum, Taipei, is illustrated ibid., p. 165,
 no. II-107, and dated Jin dynasty, 12th-13th century.

 (another view)
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