Page 186 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
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Fig. 3 Dish with dragons and strings of flowers in underglaze blue, early Chenghua period, Jingdezhen Institute
                                   of Ceramic Archaeology.

               together with aspects of its design, including the well-formed   no incised details on the Hu jar, while the dragons on the current
               lappet band around the shoulder, sets it apart from these other jars.  jar have finely incised scales along the length of their bodies. It
                                                                    is also noticeable that the lappet band around the shoulder of the
               A fahua jar of similar form and size, decorated with phoenix and   current jar is of a more sophisticated type compared to that around
               white peony, was among the ceramics donated to the Shanghai   the base of the Hu jar.
               Museum by the famous Shanghainese collector Mr J. M. Hu (1911-
               1995 Hu Jenmou), whose studio name was Zande Lou (Studio of   The form and decoration of the current jar, including the design
               Transitory Enjoyment). This jar has been dated by the museum   of five-clawed dragons, have long been attributed to the second
               to the Chenghua reign. The Hu jar is illustrated in the catalogue   half of the 15th century, while the results of recent archaeological
               Selected Ceramics from the Collection of Mr, & Mrs. J. M. Hu, which   excavation and research suggest that it may in fact be a rare
               was published by the Shanghai Museum in 1989 to celebrate the   example dating to the Chenghua reign.
               opening of an exhibition of Mr and Mrs Hu’s donated items, pages
               50-1, no. 18. While the current jar is decorated on the exterior in
                                                                   1   For further discussion see Zhou Zhiwen, et al., ‘An Analysis of the Origin of Fahua
               cobalt blue, copper turquoise and white, and on the interior with
                                                                    name from the Perspective of Social Trends and the Implicit Egocentric Effect’,
               green, the exterior of the Hu jar includes yellow and aubergine in   International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, vol. 9, issue 9, 2020,
               the phoenix decoration. Interestingly, however, there appear to be   pp. 9-11.

               綠地四龍紋琺花罐 	拍品編號   
ǯ跟前述實例相比,本拍品的造型不                   值得一提的是,較諸胡氏罐脛部的蓮≓,本罐器肩的蓮≓樣式更為細
               落窠臼,且紋飾別出心ㅅ,如器肩雍容飽滿的蓮≓紋,益顯彌足Ⅷ貴ǯ                      膩工巧ǯ

               ӳ海鑑藏⊤巨擘暫得樓主胡惠春先⊂ 	    至    年
 曾शӳ海博物                 長久ս來,本拍品的形制與紋飾,包括Ն爪龍紋, 均屬於十Ն世紀Ӵ
               館饋贈一批陶≢,當中有一։形制Ǯ大小與本品相若的白牡丹鳳紋琺                       半葉的斷ջ特徵,再輔之ս近年的考ऒ發掘কⒺ究成果,看來此ה極
               花罐ǯ根據館方的斷ջ,此乃明成化≢器ǯ為誌慶展出胡氏֖儷饋贈                       有ज能為成化年間的稀世之הǯ
               藝ワ品,ӳ博於    年出版Ի《胡惠春先⊂Ǯ王華雲女士捐贈≢器精品
               選》,前述琺花罐圖見頁     編號  ǯ即便胡氏藏品外飾鈷藍Ǯ松⒢                        で見周志文 	音ㄹ
               綠ক白色,內飾綠彩,ֿ罐外的鳳紋Ք結भԻ黃紫Հ色ǯֿ有意思的                       1FSTQFDUJWF PG 4PDJBM 5SFOET BOE UIF *NQMJDJU &HPDFOUSJD &GGFDU ,Ո文發表於
                                                                    Ǘ*OUFSOBUJPOBM +PVSOBM PG 4DJFOUJGJD BOE 5FDIOPMPHZ 3FTFBSDIǘ    年ֵ號  ⓧ 期頁
               是,故氏舊藏ַ乎未有刻花,而本拍品的龍紋則通體細劃鱗甲ǯऱ樣                           ǐ

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