Page 276 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
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55 CHINESE JADE - A group of approximately   56 CHINESE JADE AND WORKS OF ART -   57 CHINESE JADE - A group of approximately      64 CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES AND ASIAN    65 CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES - A group    66 CHINESE SCHOLAR'S OBJECTS -
               16 publications on Chinese jade.      A group of approximately 41 publications on   109 publications on Chinese jade.              TEXTILES - A group of approximately    of approximately 17 publications on Chinese   A group of approximately 90 publications on
                                                     Chinese jade and works of art.                                                               47 publications on Chinese snuff bottles and   snuff bottles.              Chinese scholar’s objects.
               $500-800                                                                    $800-1,200
                                                                                                                                                  Asian textiles.
                                                     $800-1,200                                                                                                                        $600-800                              $3,000-5,000
               中國玉器著ה約   冊                                                                 中國玉器著ה約    冊                                           $800-1,200
                                                     中國玉器與工藝品著ה約   冊                                                                                                                   中國鼻烟壺藝ワ著ה  冊                          中國文房清供著ה約   冊
                                                                                                                                                  中國絲織品及中國鼻烟壺著ה約  冊

            58 CHINESE JADE - A group of approximately   59 COMPENDIUM OF COLLECTIONS IN THE   60 CHINESE JADES - A group of approximately    67 CHINESE CARVING ARTS - A group of   68 CHINESE LACQUER - A group of      69 CLASSICAL CHINESE FURNTIURE -
               46 publications on Chinese jade.      PALACE MUSEUM: CHINESE JADE - The     21 publications on Chinese jades.                      approximately 18 publications on Chinese   approximately 74 publications on Chinese   A group of approximately 104 publications on
                                                     Palace Museum. Compendium of Collections in                                                  carving arts.                        lacquer.                              classical Chinese furniture.
               $800-1,200                                                                  $800-1,200
                                                     the Palace Museum: Jade. Beijing: the Forbidden                                              $400-600                             $1,000-1,500                          $2,000-3,000

               中國玉器著ה約   冊                           City Publishing House, 2011. 10 volumes.  中國玉器著ה  冊
                                                                                                                                                  中國雕刻著ה  冊                            中國漆器著ה約   冊                           中國ऒ典家具著ה約    冊

                                                     故宮博物院編著     年 精ㅛ中英雙㊥
                                                     《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器編》  冊全

            61 MOSS, HUGH - By Imperial Command: An   62 CHINESE GLASS AND WORKS OF ART -    63 CHINESE ENAMEL WARE - A group                 70 CHINESE GOLD AND SILVER WARES -    71 CHINESE PAINTING AND WORKS         72 MOSS, PAUL - The Single Feather of Auspicious
               Introduction to Ch’ing Imperial Painted Enamels.   A group of approximately 25 publications on   of approximately 11 publications on Chinese   A group of approximately 31 publications on   OF ART - A group of approximately 68   Light: Old Chinese Painting and Calligraphy. Hong
               Hong Kong: Hibiya Company Ltd., 1976.    Chinese glass and works of art.    enamel ware.                                           Chinese gold and silver wares.       publications on Chinese painting and works   Kong: Sydney L. Moss Ltd., 2010. 7 volumes.
               2 volumes.                            $600-800                              $400-600                                               $400-600                             of art.                               $400-600

               $800-1,200                                                                                                                                                              $1,000-1,500
                                                     中國玻∇器物及工藝品出著ה約  冊                     中國琺↙器著ה  冊                                             中國金銀器著ה約   冊                                                               ظ羅 g 莫斯(1BVM .PTT)編著     年
                   年 原函精ㅛ限量編號英文簽ल版                                                                                                                                                     中國書畫及工藝品著ה約  冊                        原函精ㅛ英文《म光片羽:中國ऒջ書畫》
               《御ㅳ:清ջ宮廷琺↙彩繪》 函 冊全                                                                                                                                                                                             函 冊全

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