Page 93 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 93

840 A MARBLED BOWL  北宋 金ǭ絞胎盌  841 A MARBLED SAUCER DISH             北宋ǭ十 十一世紀ǭ絞胎盤
 The rounded bowl is formed from marbled dark-brown and   Ϝ源   The shallow dish is formed from dark brown and cream-colored   Ϝ源
 cream-colored clay twisted into irregular swirls and compressed   藍理捷
 編號      clay marbled in loosely concentric circles, all under a clear glaze of   藍理捷
 into uneven rows, all under a glossy clear glaze.  slightly yellowish tone.
 5¿ in. (13 cm.) diam., cloth box  7º in. (18.4 cm.) diam., brocade box
 $8,000-12,000  $15,000-25,000
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 2925.  J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4775.

 As noted in the catalogue note for lot 837, the technique   A marbled pottery dish of very similar form and closely related
 employed for 'marbled' or jiaotai wares was challenging for   design is illustrated by H. Tseng and R. P. Dart in The Charles B.
 potters, but achieved striking results. It is also interesting to   Hoyt Collection in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, vol. II, Boston,
 note that although formerly thought to be derived from    1972, no. 9. See, also, the marbled pottery dish of this form and
 the tixi multi-colored lacquer tradition, recent scholarship    closely related design illustrated by Zhang (ed.), Zhongguo chutu
 finds the inspiration to have more likely come from marbelized   ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in
 glasswares of the ancient Near East. Such pieces have been   China), vol. 5, Shanxi, Beijing, 2008, p.149, no. 149.
 found in excavations as far as Afghanistan and Korea.

 Evidentally Tang potters of the early 8th century adapted this
 technique to pottery, creating the world's earliest form of
 marbelized ceramics. For further discussion, refer to Wu Tung,
 Earth Transformed: Chinese Ceramics in the Museum of Fine Arts,
 Boston, 2001, p. 39. A slightly larger bowl of similar shape and
 pattern, with the cream-tone clay more prominent, was sold at
 Christie's New York, 24-25 March 2022, lot 1093.
 (base)                                                                                    (reverse)

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