Page 157 - Sotheby's Junkunc Collection March 2019
P. 157

The present piece illustrated in An
                                 Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades
                                 Arranged for Norton Gallery of Art, Florida,
                                 1950, pl. LX, 3
                                 本品圖示於《An Exhibition of Chinese
                                 Archaic Jades Arranged for Norton Gallery
                                 of Art》,佛州,1950年,圖版LX, 3

                                 Mythical beasts of this quality are more commonly depicted in either crouching or striding positions. A
                                 crouching mythical beast sold in these rooms, 2nd November 1979, lot 51, now in the collection of Sir
                                 Joseph Hotung, was originally catalogued as Six Dynasties in the 1979 auction but was more recently
                                 attributed to the Han period by Jessica Rawson in ibid., pl. 26:7, on account of its similarity to two jades
                                 discovered in the Yuandi tomb, illustrated ibid., p. 364, fig. 1.

                                 A winged lion formerly in the collection of Desmond Gure, attributed to the 2nd-4th century was included
                                 in the 1963 Exhibition of Chinese Jades at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, in 1963 and
                                 subsequently published in Desmond Gure, ‘Selected Examples from the Jade Exhibition at Stockholm,
                                 1964: A Comparative Study’, The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Bulletin, Stockholm, no. 36, 1964,
                                 pl. 15. A crouching chimera with incised wings attributed to the Six Dynasties from the collection of Ip
                                 Yee was included in the exhibition Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1996,
                                 cat. no. 58, and a crouching chimera in the Qing Court Collection, attributed to the Wei to Jin period is
                                 illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Jadeware (I), Hong Kong, 1995,
                                 pl. 229.

                                 西安咸陽漢元帝陵出土數件精巧玉瑞獸,含一帶翼辟                 另見一帶翼瑞獅,據傳為二至四世紀,原屬
                                 邪,身形圓碩,四肢短健,圖見 Jessica Rawson,          Desmond  Gure  典藏,1963年入斯德哥爾摩遠東文
                                 《Chinese Jades from the Neolithic to the Qing》  物博物館之中國玉器展,後錄於  Desmond  Gure,
                                 ,香港,1995年,頁351,圖2a-d。                   〈Selected  Examples  from  the  Jade  Exhibition
                                                                         at  Stockholm,  1964:  A  Comparative  Study〉
                                 品質與本例相當之玉神獸例,造型通常作蹲伏狀,                  ,《The  Museum  of  Far  Eastern  Antiquities
                                 或跨步探前狀。比一臥獸例,售於紐約蘇富比1979                Bulletin》,斯德哥爾摩,編號36,1946年,圖版15
                                 年11月2日,編號51,現納入何鴻卿爵士雅蓄。彼時               。再比一六朝臥獸例,器身劃刻羽翼,為葉義醫生珍
                                 圖錄刊其為六朝,而今  Jessica  Rawson  重定為漢       藏,展並刊於《中國生肖玉雕》,香港藝術館  ,香
                                 (參見《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the   港,1996年,編號58;清宮舊藏亦存一魏晉時期瑞
                                 Qing》,倫敦,1995年,圖版26:7),並舉漢元             獸類例,圖載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系·玉器
                                 帝墓出土之辟邪為例(前述出處,頁364,圖1)。                (上)》,香港,1995年,圖版229。

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