Page 22 - Sotheby's Junkunc Collection March 2019
P. 22

The 1950s and 1960s witnessed perhaps the most fervent period of buying activity for Stephen Junkunc,
                      when he continued to make large acquisitions from Nagatani and Frank Caro, the successor of C.T.
                      Loo, as well as from Alice Boney and Warren E. Cox in New York, and Barling of Mount Street Ltd., in
                      London. His purchases during this decade, which sometimes involved acquiring up to 50 works at a time,
                      appear to have concentrated primarily on early material, including a number of acquisitions of Buddhist
                      sculpture, which consistently ranked amongst his most expensive purchases. Junkunc continued
                      purchasing and studying Chinese art until his death in 1978, whereupon the collection passed to his son
                      Stephen Junkunc IV and has remained in the family collection.

                      瓊肯先生對於中國藝術品的狂熱在1950年代及1960              會一次性購買高達五十件藝術品。在這十年當中,先
                      年代達到了巔峰。他不僅從  Nagatani  及弗蘭克•           生所買的大部分是高古門類,其中也包括了他花重金
                      卡羅(盧芹齋的繼任者)處大量收購,也從紐約的                  買入的數件佛教造像。瓊肯三世在1978年去世之前
                      愛麗絲•龐耐及 Warren E. Cox、倫敦的 Barling of    仍持續購買及學習中國藝術。之後其收藏由其子史蒂
                      Mount Street, Ltd  等知名古董商處持續購買,有時       芬•瓊肯四世繼承,並一直保存至今。

                      Above  Lot 111 in this sale shown top right, illustrated in An Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes. Loaned by C.T. Loo & Co., The
                      Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, 1940, pl. XXXIII, acquired from Frank Caro in 1954.
                      上  本場拍賣編號111,刊於《An Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes. Loaned by C.T. Loo & Co.》,底特律藝術博物館,底特

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