Page 28 - Sotheby's Junkunc Collection March 2019
P. 28

                      TANG DYNASTY
                      唐   銀局部鎏金鏨花釵一對

                      each of thin silver sheet, composed of a double-pronged pin terminating in a broad leaf-shaped finial worked in mirror image,
                      enclosing three large overlapping leaves engraved with flower sprays and foliate scrolls against a stipple ground heightened
                      with gilt details, flanked by two reticulated stems issuing furled leaves and, three-petal flowers (2)

                      Length 13⅛ in., 33.2 cm
                      $ 10,000-15,000

                      PROVENANCE                                  來源
                      Frank Caro, successor to C.T. Loo, New York,    弗蘭克•卡羅(盧芹齋繼任人),紐約,1958年6月5日
                      5th June 1958.                              史蒂芬•瓊肯三世(1978年逝)收藏
                      Collection of Stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978).

                      Elegantly made in the shape of a thin leaf and enhanced by delicately pierced and engraved designs, Tang hairpins
                      of this particular type are extremely rare. Only one other example appears to be recorded: a pair of parcel-gilt
                      silver hairpins, in the Hakutsuru Museum, Kobe, published in Hakutsuru eiga : hakutsuru bijutsukan meihin zuroku
                      [Selected masterpieces of Hakutsuru Museum], Kobe, 1978, pl. 35, and its line drawing is also illustrated in Bo
                      Gyllensvärd, ‘Tang Gold and Silver’ The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Bulletin, no. 29, Stockholm, 1957, fig. 51 b.

                      Compare a related Tang gilt-silver hairpin with a reticulated design, similarly decorated with the three-petal leaves,
                      excavated in Huijia village, Xi’an, Shanxi province in 1956, now in the Shaanxi provincial museum, Shaanxi province,
                      published in Zhongguo wenwu jinghua daquan. Jinyin yushi juan [Compendium of Chinese art. Gold, silver, jade,
                      and stone], Hong Kong, 1994, no. 115. See a pair of related hairpins, pierced with a floral design, also in the Shaanxi
                      History Museum, included in the exhibition Gilded Dragons. Buried Treasures from China’s Golden Ages, The British
                      Museum, London, 1999, cat. no. 33.

                      本髮釵如葉纖薄,雕鏤精細,極其珍罕,據記載僅一局                     比較一例,唐代鎏金銀髮釵,網狀紋飾,三瓣葉與本品
                      部鎏金銀髮釵例可比,現藏於神戶白鶴美術館,載於                      相近,1956年出土自西安陝西西安惠家村唐墓,載於《
                      《白鶴英華:白鶴美術館名品図録》,神戶,1978年,圖                  中國文物精華大全·金銀玉石卷》,香港,1994年,編
                      版35,其線描圖載於Bo Gyllensvärd,〈Tang Gold and      號115。另比一對例,鏤空花卉紋飾,現藏於陝西歷史博
                      Silver〉,《The  Museum  of  Far  Eastern  Antiquities   物館,展於《Gilded Dragons. Buried Treasures from
                      Bulletin》,編號29,斯德哥爾摩,1957年,圖51 b。            China’s Golden Ages》,大英博物館 ,倫敦,1999年,

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