Page 35 - Sotheby's Junkunc Collection March 2019
P. 35

umerous halberd blades were discovered
                                                                                        and collected in the Huai Valley areas
                                                                            Nof Anhui and Jiangsu by Orvar Karlbeck
                                                                             and others, many of which found their way into western
                                                                             collections. See a closely related halberd blade cast
                                                                             with a feline surmounting a bird and of a slightly larger
                                                                             size, from the David David-Weill Collection, sold in our
                                                                             Paris rooms, 16th December 2015, lot 36; and another,
                                                                             included in the exhibition “Animal style” Art from East
                                                                             to West, Asia House Gallery, New York, 1970, cat. no.
                                                                             65. See also an example from the Stoclet Collection,
                                                                             published in Otto Kümmel, Jörg Trübner zum Gedächtnis.
                                                                             Ergebnisse seiner Letzten Chinesischen Reisen, Berlin,
                                                                             1929, pl. 24; and H.F.E. Visser, Asiatic Art, New York, 1948,
                                                                             pl. 40, no. 49; one in the Museum of Five Continents,
                                                                             Munich, illustrated in Xueqin Li and Sarah Allan, Chinese
                                                                             Bronzes: A Selection from European Collections, Beijing,
                                                                             1995, pl. 130; and another in the Guimet Museum, Paris,
                                                                             illustration in Xueqin Li and Sarah Allan, ibid., pl. 131.
                                                                             Halberd blades of this type are also known to have been
                                                                             excavated in Shanxi province, such as one excavated in
                                                                             Miaoqian village, Wanrong county, Shanxi province, in
                                                                             1961, published in Shanxi chutu wenwu [Cultural relics
                                                                             excavated in Shanxi], Shanxi, 1980, pl. 93.

                                                                             style” Art from East to West〉,Asia House Gallery,紐
                                                                             約,1970年,編號65。另見 Stoclet 收藏一例,載於 Otto
                                                                             Kümmel,《Jörg Trübner zum Gedächtnis. Ergebnisse
                                                                             seiner Letzten Chinesischen Reisen》,柏林,1929年,
                                                                             圖版24及  H.F.E.  Visser,《Asiatic  Art》,紐約,1948

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