Page 72 - Sotheby's Junkunc Collection March 2019
P. 72

                      HAN DYNASTY
                      漢   銅鎏金嵌料石獸面紋帶鉤

                      cast in the form of a powerful mythical animal mask resembling a tiger, detailed with feline features, its almond-shaped eyes
                      inlaid with glass, its forehead inset with a circular hardstone, a tapering hook rising from the top of its head terminating in a
                      double-horned chilong head, the concave underside with a circular button

                      Length 4¼ in., 10.7 cm
                      $ 20,000-30,000

                      PROVENANCE                                  來源
                      Collection of Stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978).   史蒂芬•瓊肯三世(1978年逝)收藏

                      EXHIBITED                                   展覽
                      Exhibition of Belt Buckles, Chinese Art Society, 1951.  《Exhibition of Belt Buckles》,中國藝術協會,紐約,1951年

                      Although belt hooks of this type are known, the present belt hook is remarkable for its well preserved condition.
                      Compare a closely related belt hook, but lacking inlays, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, gifted by Mr. and Mrs.
                      Eugene V. Thaw, acc. no. 2002.201.169, and another in the collection of Wellington Wang, also without inlays,
                      illustrated in Wellington Wang, Belt Ornaments Through the Ages, Taipei, 1996, pl. 99.

                      See also other related gilt-bronze belt hooks with inlaid decoration, such as one in the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery,
                      Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., included in the exhibition Traders and Raiders on China’s Northern
                      Frontier, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1995, cat. no. 75; another sold at Christie’s New York, 19th
                      September 2006, lot 156; a third exhibited in Chinesische Gold und Silber. Die Sammling Pierre Uldry, Rietberg
                      Museum, Zurich, 1994, cat. no. 50; and a fourth, inset with a cicada to the center, from the collection of Dr. Paul
                      Singer, exhibited in, Relics of Ancient China from the Collection of Dr. Paul Singer, Asia House Gallery, New York, 1965,
                      cat. no. 124.

                      此類帶鉤雖偶有所見,然保存完整如本品者則尤為難                      另見其他相類銅鎏金帶鉤嵌飾作例,如一件華盛頓賽克勒
                      得。比較近似帶鉤一例,然乏嵌料,現藏於紐約大都會                     美術館藏品,曾展於《Traders and Raiders on China’s
                      藝術博物館,由  Eugene  V.  Thaw  伉儷饋贈,館藏編號         Northern  Frontier》,賽克勒美術館,華盛頓,1995
                      2002.201.169;以及王度收藏之例,亦無嵌料,圖載於               年,編號75;另一例售於紐約佳士得2006年9月19日,
                      王度,《帶飾三千年:王度帶飾珍藏冊》,台北,1996                   編號156;第三例曾展於《Chinesische Gold und Silber.
                      年,圖版 99。                                     Die  Sammling  Pierre  Uldry》,雷特伯格博物館,蘇黎
                                                                   世,1994年,編號50;第四例正中嵌蟬飾,來自             Paul
                                                                   Singer  醫生收藏,曾展於《Relics  of  Ancient  China
                                                                   from the Collection of Dr. Paul Singer》,Asia House

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