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A pair of similar gilt-bronze dragons were acquired from C.T. Loo by Grenville L. Winthrop in October
                                 1931, and are today in the Harvard Art Museums (fig. 1), illustrated in the exhibition, Grenville L. Winthrop:
                                 Retrospective for a Collector, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969, cat. no. 54. Three
                                 similar gilt-bronze dragons were reputedly discovered at the Jincun tombs in Luoyang, Henan province,
                                 in 1928 and were documented by Bishop William Charles White (1873-1960) in his book Tombs of Old
                                 Lo-yang, Shanghai, 1934, pl. LIV, no. 133. Another, acquired from Yamanaka & Co. in New York in 1932, is
                                 today in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City (fig. 2), and is illustrated in Ross E. Taggart, ed.,
                                 Handbook of the Collection in the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine
                                 Arts, Kansas City, Missouri, 1959, p. 176 (bottom right). The similarities between all these dragons and
                                 the relatively narrow timeframe in which they were either published or acquired suggests the possibility
                                 that they were all discovered together, in or around Luoyang.

                                 A slightly larger gilt-bronze striding dragon, with finely incised scales detailing the body and a thin
                                 serrated edge following the spine, formerly in the collection of Frederick Mayer, was included in the
                                 exhibition Mostra d’Arte Cinese / Exhibition of Chinese Art, Venice, 1954, cat. no. 159, subsequently sold
                                 at Christie’s London, 24-25 June 1974, lot 143 and later lent by John D. Rockefeller III to the exhibition Art
                                 of the Six Dynasties. Centuries of Change and Innovation, China House Gallery, New York, 1975, cat. no. 37.
                                 A similar example, was included in the exhibition, Animals and Animal Designs in Chinese Art, Eskenazi

                                 可見一對相若鎏金銅走龍例,北美收藏家  Grenville           海,1934年,圖版LIV,編號133。另一例於1932
                                 L.  Winthrop於1931年10月購於盧芹齋,現藏哈佛         年由紐約山中商會售出,現存納爾遜-阿特金斯藝術
                                 藝術博物館(圖一),曾展並刊於《Grenville          L.   博物館,堪薩斯城(圖二),錄  Ross  E.  Taggart
                                 Winthrop:  Retrospective  for  a  Collector》,福  編,《Handbook of the Collection in the William
                                 格藝術博物館,劍橋,麻省,1969年,圖錄編號                 Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins
                                 54。另有三近例,據傳均於1928年出自洛陽金村                Museum  of  Fine  Arts》,堪薩斯城,密蘇里
                                 古墓,圖載於懷履光,《洛陽古城古墓考》,上                   州,1959年,頁176(右下)。

                                 Fig. 2  Striding Dragon. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri. Purchase: William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 32-185/8.
                                 Photo courtesy Nelson-Atkins Media Servces / John Lamberton
                                 圖二  行龍 納爾遜-阿特金斯藝術博物館,堪薩斯城,密蘇里州
                                 Purchase: William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 32-185/8. Photo courtesy Nelson-Atkins Media Services / John Lamberton

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