Page 119 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 119

2766                                                                     戰國 玉獸面飾
ORNAMENT SUSPENDING A                                                    來源
HOOKED TONGUE                                                            養德堂珍藏,台北,入藏於 1993 年以前

WARRING STATES PERIOD (475-221 BC)                                       展覽
The animal mask-form hook is finely carved with a pair of                1993年1月27日-4月25日,圖錄封面
incurving horns and strong slanting cuts powerfully rendering
the deep circular eyes and details of the face. It is attached to the    著錄
bottom opening with a movable hook.                                      《養德堂古玉特展》,台北,1993年1月27日-4月25日,封面
1 ¡ in. (3.5 cm.) long, box
HK$100,000-150,000 US$13,000-19,000                                     院藏一例(故玉4133/呂-1847-17-31),著錄於2012年台北出版《敬天
                                                                         格物- 中國歷代玉器導讀》,圖版5-5-25。山東曲阜魯國故城五十八號
PROVENANCE                                                               墓曾出土一件玉帶鈎,上雕較抽象的獸面紋,著錄於1993年石家莊出版
                                                                         《中國玉器全集 -3- 春秋.戰國》,圖版206號。亦可參考天津市藝術
The Yangdetang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1993                博物館藏一件玉獸面飾,定年戰國,見同上,圖版303號。


Chang Foundation, Ancient Jade from the Yangde Tang Collection,
Taipei, 27 January-25 April 1993, Catalogue, front cover


Ancient Jade from the Yangde Tang Collection, Taipei, 1993, front

A number of jade belt hooks from the Warring States period are carved
with similar animal mask motifs like the present ornament. Compare
for example to the National Palace Museum example (acquisition
no. guyu 4133/lv-1847-17-31), illustrated in Art in Quest of Heaven
and Truth- Chinese Jades through the Ages, Taipei, 2012, pl. 5-5-25.
Another Warring States belt hook carved with a more abstract mask
was excavated in Qufu, Shandong, illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi quanji
-3- Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, Shijiazhuang, 1993,
pl. 206. Compare also to a jade animal mask pendant, dating to the
Warring States period, in the Tianjin Art Museum Collection, ibid., pl.

                                                                         (another view 另一面)

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