Page 34 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 34

(another view 另一面)

    2704                                                                        紅山文化晚期 約公元前3500-3000年
    A VERY RARE GREEN JADE                                                      青玉帶齒動物面紋飾
    ORNAMENT                                                                    來源
                                                                                養德堂珍藏,台北,入藏於 1995 年以前
    CIRCA 3500-3000 BC                                                          展覽
    The well-polished stone is carved and pierced in the form of an             1號
    animal mask. It is decorated with arched brows, circular eyes, and
    horns which are carved to the top of the curved protruding ears.            著錄
    The details of the face are carefully rendered with thick concave           鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏》,台北,1995年,圖版1號
    troughs and the bottom of the jade is carved with segmented
    sections representing the teeth of the animal.                              國立故宮博物院藏一件帶齒動物面紋玉飾(購玉272),中間部分設計
    7 √ in. (19.6 cm.) wide, box                                                與本飾非常相似,惟兩端造型略不同,著錄於2012年台北出版《敬天格
                                                                                物- 中國歷代玉器導讀》,圖版3-3-28號。弗利爾‧賽克勒博物館藏一
    HK$300,000-500,000 US$39,000-64,000                                        件更相似的例子,長17.2公分,其線圖著錄於鄧淑蘋著,1999年國立故
    PROVENANCE                                                                  似例,滿佈白沁斑,見同上,圖版13號。另可參考一件紋飾相似但齒較
    The Yangdetang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1995                   全集 -1- 原始社會》,圖版14號。


    National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese
    Jades, Taipei, 1995, Catalogue, pl. 1


    Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,
    Taipei, 1995, pl. 1

    A jade mask ornament with very similar central design but of a different
    shape at the two ends is in the National Palace Museum Collection
    (acquisition no. gou yu 272), illustrated in Art in Quest of Heaven and
    Truth- Chinese Jades through the Ages, Taipei, 2012, pl. 3-3-28. An
    even more similar example, measuring 17.2 cm. wide, is in the Freer
    Gallery of Art Collection; its line drawing illustrated in Teng Shu-p’ing,
    Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades, National Palace Museum,
    Taipei, 1999, p. 14, fig. 5:2. Another similar but mostly calcified
    example was in the Lant’ien Shanfang Collection, ibid., pl. 13. A jade
    mask ornament of similar design but with shorter ‘teeth’, attributed to
    the Hongshan Culture, now in the Tianjin Art Museum, is illustrated in
    Zhongguo yuqi quanji -1- yuanshi shehui, Shijiazhuang, 1993, pl. 14.

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