Page 46 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 46


    2710 Continued                                                              琮玉料深褐綠色,外方內圓柱體,上寬下窄,中心有圓孔,兩端各一四
    The present piece, carved with nine tiers of face masks, is exceptionally   示眼睛,上面兩道突起弦紋表示羽冠,下面一道凸橫表示鼻子。
    tall for a Liangzhu jade cong, and would have undoubtedly been
    extremely costly to make due to the consumption of such a large piece       此琮體積修長,為良渚玉琮之較大例子,用料不菲,當時應為重要祭
    of material. Each tier is delicately rendered at the four corners with      器。大型多節玉琮為數不多,可參考清宮舊藏一件十一節例子,玉料及
    circles denoting the eyes, a raised rib underneath denoting the nose and    神人紋飾的表達手法均與本琮相似,見1995年香港出版故宮博物院藏文
    two slimmer parallel bands above denoting the crown. Such large pieces      物珍品全集《玉器(上)》,圖版32號。另可參考一件紋飾相似的六節
    are very rare and examples with nine tiers are particularly uncommon.       琮,江蘇草鞋山出土,現藏南京博物院,著錄於1989年香港出版《良渚
    Compare to an eleven-tiered cong in the Qing Court Collection, now at       文化玉器》,圖版49號。
    the Palace Museum, carved with similar face masks and of similar stone
    type, illustrated in Jadeware (I), The Complete Collection of Treasures of
    the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 32. Compare also to a six-
    tiered cong with similar masks, excavated in Caoxieshan in Jiangsu, now
    in the Nanjing Museum Collection, illustrated in Liangzhu wenhua yuqi,
    Hong Kong, 1989, pl. 49.

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