Page 7 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 7

        (LOTS 101-121)

        101                                                                                                         102
        A HUANGHUALI HORSESHOE-BACK ARMCHAIR,       明末清初   黃花梨圈椅                                                    A HUANGHUALI HORSESHOE-BACK ARMCHAIR,      清十七/十八世紀   黃花梨圈椅
        QUANYI                                                                                                      QUANYI
        17TH CENTURY                                來源                                                              QING DYNASTY, 17TH/18TH CENTURY            來源
                                                    於上世紀80年代末/90年代初購自香港黑洪祿                                                                                     於上世紀80年代末/90年代初購自香港黑洪祿
        with a curving toprail sloping down to the arms supported on                                                with a curving toprail sloping down to arms supported on
        serpentine side posts and terminating in a curved hook beyond                                               serpentine side posts and terminating in a curved hook beyond
        the corner posts set with shaped spandrels, the backsplat                                                   corner posts set with shaped spandrels, the backsplat carved
        carved with a ruyi-shaped panel enclosing dragons, the back                                                 with a ruyi-shaped panel enclosing dragons, the back corner
        corner posts continuing below the rectangular frame, with mat                                               posts continuing below the rectangular frame, to back legs
        seat, to the back legs joined by stretchers, the front legs with a                                          joined by stretchers, the front legs with a cusped arching
        cusped arching apron                                                                                        apron, with mat seat
        99.2 by 67.5 by 66 cm, 39⅛ by 26½ by 26 in.                                                                 99 by 66 by 68 cm, 39 by 26 by 26⅞ in.
        PROVENANCE                                                                                                  PROVENANCE
        Purchased from Hei Hung-Lu, Hong Kong, late 1980s/early                                                     Purchased from Hei Hung-Lu, Hong Kong, late 1980s/early
        1990s.                                                                                                      1990s.

        ◉ W £ 30,000-50,000                                                                                         ◉ W £ 30,000-50,000

        10      Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right                               11
                (which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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