Page 26 - Sotheby's NYC September 20 2022 Forging An Empire Bronzes
P. 26

                         LATE SHANG DYNASTY
                         cast to the inside of the base with a three-character inscription reading Fu Xin Duan

                         商末   耑父辛觚
                         父辛 耑

                         Height 12¼ in., 31 cm
                         ⊖  $ 80,000-120,000

                         PROVENANCE                                  來源
                         Reputedly discovered at Anyang, Henan province, during   傳民國時期出於河南安陽
                         the Republic period.                        黃濬 (1880-1952) 收藏
                         Collection of Huang Jun (1880-1952).        金才記,香港,1982年8月26日
                         T.Y. King & Sons, Ltd., Hong Kong, 26th August 1982.   歐洲私人收藏
                         European Private Collection.                倫敦邦瀚斯2011年5月12日,編號255
                         Bonhams London, 12th May 2011, lot 255.

                         LITERATURE                                  出版
                         Huang Jun, Yezhong pianyu sanji [Feathers from Yezhong   黃濬,《鄴中片羽三集》,卷上,北京,1942年,頁44
                         series III], vol. 1, Beijing, 1942, p. 44.   于省吾,《商周金文錄遺》,北京,1957年,編號349
                         Yu Shengwu, Shangzhou jinwen luyi [Records of Shang   孫稚雛,《金文著錄簡目》,北京,1981年, 頁322,編號
                         and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 1957, no. 349.   5637(器記錄)
                         Sun Zhichu, Jinwen zhulu jianmu [Records of Bronze   嚴一萍,《金文總集》,台北,1983年,編號6201
                         Inscriptions], Beijing, 1981, p. 322, no. 5637 (vessel   中國社會科學院考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成釋文》
                         recorded).                                  ,卷4,香港,2001年,編號7141
                         Yan Yiping, Jinwen zongji [Corpus of bronze inscriptions],   中國社會科學院考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成》,北
                         Taipei, 1983, no. 6201.                     京,2007年,編號07141
                         The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of   王心怡編,《商周圖形文字編》,北京,2007年,編號
                         Social Sciences, ed., Yinzhou jinwen jichengshiwen   157
                         [Interpretations of the compendium of Yin and Zhou   劉雨等,《商周金文總著錄表》,北京,2008年,編號
                         bronze inscriptions], vol. 4, Hong Kong, 2001, no. 7141.   7788(器記錄)
                         The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social   何景成,《商周青銅器族氏銘文研究》,濟南,2009,
                         Sciences, Yinzhou jinwen jicheng [Compendium of Yin   頁456(器記錄)
                         and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2007, no. 07141.   吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,卷18,上
                         Wang Xinyi, ed., Shangzhou tuxing wenzi bian [Dictionary   海,2012年,編號09613
                         of the pictograms from the Shang and Zhou dynasties],
                         Beijing, 2007, no. 157.
                         Liu Yu et. al., Shangzhou jinwen zong zhulubiao
                         [Comprehensive list of recorded Shang and Zhou bronze
                         inscriptions], Beijing, 2008, no. 7788 (vessel recorded).
                         He Jingcheng, Shangzhou qingtongqi zushi mingwen
                         yanjiu [Study of the clan pictograms on the bronzes from
                         the Shang and Zhou dynasties], Jinan, 2009, p. 456
                         (vessel recorded).
                         Wu Zhenfeng, Shang Zhou qingtong qi mingwen ji tuxiang
                         jicheng [Compendium of important inscriptions and
                         images of bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties],
                         vol. 18, Shanghai, 2012, no. 09613.

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