Page 71 - 2020 December 2 Christie's Hong Kong Classical Paintings and Calligrahy
P. 71

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            LUO PIN (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1733-1799)  WITH SIGNATURE OF DING YUNPENG   題識: 辛丑夏月仿趙松雪《秋林曳杖圖》於
            Squirrels and Grapes               (18TH CENTURY)                         半峰禪室之西廊,聖華居士丁雲鵬。
                                               Scholar in Autumn Forest
            Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper                              鈐印:丁雲鵬印
            121 x 32.2 cm. (47 ¬ x 12 ¬ in.)   Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper  范允臨題跋: 落日杖藜溪上行,溪流十里帶
            Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the   129.2 x 37.6 cm. (50 √ x 14 Æ in.)  松聲。輞川詩意無人領,靜對
            artist                             Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist  南山雲氣生。范允臨題。
            Dedicated to Wumen                 Dated summer, xinchou year        鈐印:范允臨印、長倩
            One collector’s seal               Colophon by Fan Yunlin, with two seals
                                               Two collector’s seals, including one of Bi   藏印: 畢瀧(1700-1799):畢瀧澗飛氏藏
            HK$80,000-120,000                  Long (1700-1799)                       其他:青岩
                             US$11,000-16,000  Titleslip by Zhang Shi, with one seal  張石題簽: 丁南羽仿趙松雪《秋林曳杖圖》,
                                               HK$70,000-100,000                         讀畫樓藏。
            清    羅聘(傳)  松鼠    設色紙本    立軸                        US$9,100-13,000    鈐印:張石畫印
            鈐印:兩峰                              清    丁雲鵬(款)
                                                      仿趙松雪《秋林曳杖圖》  立軸
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