Page 106 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 106

             AN IVORy FIguRe OF The eIghTeeN-ARMed
             AVAlOKITesVARA, lATe QINg TO RePublIc              Mounted on an old European base from the period. (2)

             China, 1870-1930. Seated in padmasana on a lotus base, wearing a
             bodhisattva crown, with the two main hands clasped together above   象牙千手觀音坐蓮像,清末民初
             two hands holding an alms bowl in the center, surrounded by radiating   中國,1870-1930。千手觀音跏趺坐于蓮花座上,頭戴菩薩冠,一雙手合十,一雙手
                                                                拿著一個施捨碗,其他手分別持法器,如海螺,佛法,智慧之劍,鼓, 念珠。
             arms holding various attributes including the conch, dharmachakra,
             sword of wisdom, drum, rosary.                     來源:捷克私人收藏
                                                                重量:1,312 克
               Provenance: Czech private collection.            尺寸:像高29.8 厘米,含底座32 厘米
               condition: Excellent condition with minor wear, few small losses, age
               cracks, fissures, and a fine patina.             estimate euR 1.500,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 750,-
             Weight: 1,312 g
             Dimensions: Height 29.8 cm (the figure) and 32 cm (incl. base)

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