Page 24 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 24
20 Weight: 6.9 kg
A lARge ANd heAVIly cAsT bRONZe Dimensions: Diameter 30 cm across the body
TRIPOd ceNseR, 17Th ceNTuRy
China, late Ming to early Qing dynasty. The compressed globular body Compare with a related but much smaller piece
raised on three short conical feet, the slightly everted rim set with two sold at Sotheby’s New york in Fine Chinese
upright loop handles, the base cast with an apocryphal six-character Ceramics & Works of Art on 16-17 September 2014,
Xuande mark. lot 582, for USD $9,375 incl. buyer’s premium.
Provenance: From the collection of
Georg Weifert (1850-1937). Thence by 雙耳三足銅爐,十七世紀
descent in the same family. Weifert was 中國,明末清初。鼓腹球狀體,圓錐形三短足,略微外翻的邊緣帶有兩個直立的環形
a Serbo-Austrian industrialist and the 耳,底部鑄有一個偽六字宣德款。
first governor of the Federal Bank of the 來源:Georg Weifert (1850-1937)收藏,同一家族保存至今 。Weifert曾爲塞爾維
Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. 亞中央銀行大班以及塞爾維亞、克羅地亞與斯洛文尼亞聯邦銀行大班。
condition: Fair condition with minor 品相:品相良好,輕微磨損,鑄造缺陷,六字款有舊的穿孔,灑金処大部分已磨損。
wear, casting flaws, an old piercing to 重量:6.9 公斤
the mark that has been soldered, the 尺寸:直徑 30 厘米
拍賣成果比較: 一件相近但小些的三足爐2014年9月16-17日見於紐約蘇富比《中國
scattered gold splash applied with lacquer 陶瓷與工藝品》拍號582,成交價USD $9,375 含買家佣金。
has mostly worn off. Georg Weifert (1850-1937)
estimate euR 1.000,-
Starting price EUr 500,-
AN ‘ORdeR OF The yellOW dRAgON’ gOld-INlAId
China, 1644-1912. The vessel is supported on a flared foot, the
egg-shaped body rising to a slender neck with a flat everted lip. The
body is decorated with three narrow gold-inlaid flanges as well as
three mythical animal masks with rings.
Provenance: American private collection.
condition: Excellent condition with minor wear and casting flaws, some
minor scratches on the body and small nicks around the rings, the mouth,
and foot rim. Fine patina with reddish-brown and silver-grey areas.
The base incised with a three-character inscription which reads, “Huang
Long Zhi” (Order of the Yellow Dragon). The Yellow Dragon is the
zoomorphic form of the yellow Emperor, also known by his Chinese name
Huangdi, one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.
Weight: 1,076 g
Dimensions: Height 29.8 cm
圍有小刻痕。 細膩包漿,帶紅棕色和銀灰色區域。
重量:1,076 克
尺寸:重量29.8 厘米
estimate euR 300,-
Starting price EUr 150,-