Page 300 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 300
chINese PORcelAIN FIguRes
Weight: 4.9 kg total
China, the porcelain 18th – early 19th century, the mounts second half Dimensions: Height 35 cm each
of the 19th century. The laughing boys painted in vivid famille rose
enamels, both wearing long robes and holding a whisk in their right Auction result comparison: Compare with a related set of figures at
hand. (2) Christies New york, in The Collection of Carroll Petrie, 31 March 2016, lot
1246, sold for USD $13,750.
Provenance: From the collection of
Georg Weifert (1850-1937). Thence by 一對法國路易十五風格鎏金中國陶瓷人物
descent in the same family. Weifert was 中國,陶瓷十八至十九世紀,鎏金底座十九世紀後半葉。嘻哈男道童施粉彩釉,身著
a Serbo-Austrian industrialist and the 長袍,右手持拂塵。
first governor of the Federal Bank of the 來源:Georg Weifert (1850-1937)收藏,同一家族保存至今 。Weifert曾爲塞爾維
Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. 亞中央銀行大班以及塞爾維亞、克羅地亞與斯洛文尼亞聯邦銀行大班。
BU: Georg Weifert (1850-1937) 品相:一個人像頸部開裂已修補,另一個頭上一側髮髻遺失。兩個人像都有磨損和燒
condition: One porcelain figure with a 製缺陷。歐姆隆鎏金包漿細膩,輕微捲曲,陶瓷花飾局部有輕微缺失。總體品相良
repaired crack to the neck, the other with Georg Weifert (1850-1937) 好,完整并且原始狀態。
one hair knot lost. Both with minor wear 重量:縂4.9 公斤
尺寸:各高 35 厘米
and firing imperfections. The ormolu mounts with fine patina, minor
warping, the porcelain flowers with microscopic losses here and there.
Overall good, complete and original condition. estimate euR 1.500,-
Starting price EUr 750,-