Page 352 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 352

             A lIFe-sIZed TeRRAcOTTA heAd OF buddhA,

             Ancient region of Gandhara, 4th century. The large head superbly
             modeled with a serene expression with almond-shaped eyes beneath
             finely arched brows and an urna, aquiline nose, and full lips forming a
             gentle smile. The hair in tight curls with a dome-shaped ushnisha on top.

               Provenance: Arthur Huc (1854-1932).
               Marcel Huc, inherited from the above.
               Thence by descent within the same
               family. In 1954, L. Magniette, bailiff of
               the court in Toulouse (Huissier), was
               ordered to compile a complete inventory
               of the collection inherited by Marcel
               Huc from his father, Arthur Huc, the
               so-called “Inventaire Huc”. The present
               lot is listed in this inventory as follows:   Arthur Huc (1854-1932)
               “Serie de vingt deux têtes en terre-cuite.
               GANDHARA” (series of twenty-two terracotta heads. GANDHARA). A
               copy of the inventory list and cover page are accompanying this lot.
               Arthur Huc was the chief editor of La Dépêche du Midi, at the time the
               leading newspaper in Toulouse, France. He was also an accomplished
               art critic and early patron of several artists, including Henri de Toulouse-
               Lautrec. At the same time, Arthur Huc was a keen collector of Asian art,
               a passion that he inherited from his legendary ancestor Évariste régis
               Huc, also known as the Abbé Huc (1813-1860), a French Catholic priest
               and traveler who became famous for his accounts of Qing-era China,
               Mongolia and especially the then-almost-unknown Tibet in his book
               “remembrances of a Journey in Tartary, Tibet, and China”.
               condition: Very impressive condition considering the age of this piece!
               Fully consistent with the age of the sculpture, one small piece reat-
               tached at the cheek, minor firing flaws and insignificant material loss
               to some exposed areas, hardly noticeable due to a
               light-colored varnish coating which was applied long
               time ago.
               scientific Analysis Report: A Thermoluminescence
               sample analysis has been conducted by Oxford Au-
               thentication, TL test no. N116n8, dated 18 October
               2016, and is consistent with the suggested period of
               manufacture, a copy of the thermoluminescence analy-
               sis report accompanies this lot (the original is lost).

             Weight: 15.0 kg in total
             Dimensions: Height 35 cm (the head) and 53 cm (incl. base)
             The kingdom of Gandhara lasted from 530 BC to 1021 AD, when its last king
             was murdered by his own troops. It stretched across parts of present-day
             Afghanistan and Pakistan. Gandhara is noted for its distinctive style in
             Buddhist art, which developed out of a merger of Greek, Syrian, Persian
             and Indian artistic influence. Gandharan style flourished and achieved its
             peak during the Kushan period, from the 1st to the 5th century. In the first
             century AD, Gandhara was the birthplace of some of the earliest Buddhist   赤陶佛陀頭像,健陀羅
             images.                                            健陀羅國,公元4世紀。頭像造型優美,表情慈祥,眉毛下方是杏形眼睛和兩眼間的
                                                                慧眼,鼻頭飽滿,鼻子和豐滿的嘴唇構成柔和的笑容。 緊密捲髮,頂部有圓頂形的
             The use of hard-fired ceramic instead of stone such as schist was popular
             during the later Gandharan period from the 4th to 6th centuries AD. Fired   來源:此像源自法國阿瑟∙胡克(1854-1932)收藏。馬爾塞∙胡克繼承,家族保
             clay was expensive in the area, because the wood needed for the firing   存。1954年1954年,圖盧茲法院的法警L. Magniette受命對馬爾塞∙胡克從其父親阿
             process was scarce. Therefore, such an expensive sculpture would have   瑟∙胡克(即所謂的“ Inventaire Huc”)繼承的藏品進行完整的清點。藏品清單中
             been a highly meritorious Buddhist offering. Only very few terracotta   可見現有拍品。隨附清單拷貝。此像源自法國阿瑟∙胡克(1854-1932)收藏。馬爾塞
             statues from this period and size have ever been recorded.  直至1932年去世,他還是一個著名的藝術評論家。同時,他也開始收藏亞洲藝術。
             Mounted on an associated wood base. (2)            察Évariste Regis Huc),一個法國傳教士,他在蒙古、西藏及中國的游記《鞑靼西
                                                                品相:考慮到這件作品的年代,它的狀況令人印象深刻! 與雕塑的年代完全一致,
               AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON                        臉頰上有一小塊粘黏塊,輕微的燒製缺陷,局部裸露區域的材料有一些缺損,這是由
               comparison: Compare with a related but smaller   於很久以前使用的淺色清漆塗層而引起的。
               (28 cm) terracotta head of a Bodhisattva at      重量:縂15.0公斤
               Christie’s New york, Indian and Southeast Asian   尺寸:頭像高35厘米,含底座53厘米
               Art, 19 March 2013, lot 212, sold for USD $75,000   拍賣結果比較:一件相似但小些的(28厘米)赤陶菩薩像于2013年3月19日在紐約佳
               and a related but much smaller (20.3 cm)         士得《印度和東南亞藝術品》拍號212,成交價為$ 75,000美元。另一件赤陶佛陀赤
               terracotta head of a Buddha at Sotheby’s New     陶頭像(20.3厘米)2014年9月17日于 紐約蘇富《悟相:宗教藝術專拍》拍號410,
               York, Images Of Enlightenment: Devotional Works
               Of Art And Paintings, 17 September 2014, lot 410,
               sold for USD $62,500.                            estimate euR 2.000,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 1.000,-
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