Page 380 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 380
RARe sTATue OF VIshNu,
RAJAsThAN, 15Th-16Th
The black openwork stele is carved
in deep relief with Vishnu standing,
his four arms radiating around his
body and holding specific attributes,
wearing dhoti, jewels and high
headdress, his face with almond-
shaped eyes. Lakshmi is standing to
his lower left and right, flanked by a
pair of worshippers, all in front of an
incised aureole.
Provenance: A private collection,
Holland. A Hungarian private
collector, acquired from the above.
condition: Losses, wear and fine
patina, all generally as expected
from a statue of this age. The top
aureole with smaller repaired cracks.
The eyes show old fillings.
Weight: 24 kg
Dimensions: 75 cm (without the base)
and 80 cm (with the base)
Compare the present statue with the
design of Maschinenmensch (German
for “robot” or literally “machine-person”)
in Fritz Lang’s 1927 film Metropolis,
played by German actress Brigitte
Helm in both its robot form and human
incarnation. Named “Maria” in the film,
and “Futura” in Thea von Harbou’s
original novel, she was one of the first
robots ever depicted in cinema. Walter
Schulze-Mittendorff (1893-1976), the
German sculptor and legendary creator
of “Maria”, later admitted to having used
ancient sculptures and their distinct
design compositions and structures as
prototypes for his unique and visionary
design of Maschinenmensch.
the robot “Maria” in Fritz lang’s 1927
movie Metropolis
With an associated wood base. (2)
estimate euR 6.000,-
Starting price EUr 3.000,-