Page 119 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 119

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                                       contributes to the individual images within such
                                       a set or album accruing value. Together, the
                                       images form a narrative that, in a logical and
                                       coherent manner, makes the unknown ‘exotic’
                                       scenes familiar and thus tells a meaningful story.
                                         As a kind of ethnographic souvenir, albums
                                       with titles such as ‘costumes of China’ or ‘daily
                                       life in China’ are, as Yeewan Koon calls them in
                                       A Defiant Brush, “compelling ways of
                                       translating China.” 16  In contrast, an album can
                     118               also be a collection of unrelated individual
                                       single-sheets or a programmed sequence of
                                       images, eclectically assembled, bound together  consists of 19 reverse glass paintings,
                     Fig. 4.2. The quay of  and covered with paper or cardboard, silk,  documented in detail in Sensitive plates. 18  This
                     Canton (from set of 19),  brocade, lacquerwork or genuine leather. Most  set of oil paintings (Figures 4.2. and 4.3.),
                     anonymous,        Chinese export watercolours were bound as an  probably produced between 1785-1790,
                     oil on glass, 1785-1790,  album or sold as a set of twelve paintings, as is  contains elements suggesting a strong link with
                     52.5 x 81 cm,     the case for many of those found in the Dutch  this period; for example, the flags of Western
                     Museum Volkenkunde/  collections. As we know from Huang and  countries, the house construction, or the types
                     Nationaal Museum van  Sargent, the word ‘dozen’ was introduced into  of ships. Similarities in technique, quality and
                     Wereldculturen,   China, where it was later referred to as yī dá  size lead us to surmise that all these paintings
            RV-360-1116.  (一打). Some sets, however, were composed of  were created at approximately the same time.
                                       thirteen pictures. Perhaps this was a unique  The set has an interesting provenance back
                                       selling point: “buy a dozen, get one free!” 17  to 1824. Following a request to the Minister of
                                         Hereafter, I will explore the different sorts of  Education, Arts and Sciences, and after a Royal
                                       noteworthy sets (sets of oil paintings, sets of  Decree of 17 April 1824, the then director of the
                                       albums, and single albums) of the Dutch corpus.  Royal Cabinet of Rarities, Van den Kasteele, was
                                                                                  able to buy the set. 19  Paid for from state
                                       - Sets of oil paintings                    coffers, the set enriched the Royal Cabinet from
                                       The Museum Volkenkunde owns three          1 May 1824 to its surcease in 1883. 20  After
                                       noteworthy sets of oil paintings. They all deserve  more than a century, the set was again rightly
                                       attention for a variety of reasons. The first set  assigned value by Van Dongen, former China
                                                                                  curator of Volkenkunde Museum. He researched
                                                                                  all aspects of the different Chinese subject
                                                                                  matters represented in the paintings, including
                     Fig. 4.3. Kowtowing                                          their technical and compositional aspects;
                     (from set of 19),                                            moreover, he had them restored and
                     anonymous,                                                   subsequently organised an exhibition. In 2001,
                     oil on glass, 1785-1790,                                     they were put on public display in the museum
                     52.5 x 81 cm,                                                and also at Akzo Nobel Coatings in Sassenheim
                     Museum Volkenkunde/                                          for some months; an informative catalogue to
                     Nationaal Museum van                                         accompany the exhibition was published. Van
                     Wereldculturen,                                              Dongen’s efforts must be understood as a
            RV-360-1118.                                         positive exception given the prevailing museum

                                       16 Koon 2014, 58. Yeewan Koon is Associate Professor at the Department of Fine Arts at The University of Hong
                                       17 Huang & Sargent (eds.) 1999, 18.
                                       18 Inv.nos. 360-1113 to 360-1131. Van Dongen 2001.
                                       19 NA 2.04.01, 4855, 12 April 1824, and 26 April 1824, no.99, A-series.
                                       12 April 1824: “Voordragt aan ZM om autorisatie te verleenen tot het aankoopen, voor het Koninklijk Kabinet van
                                       Zeldzaamheden van eene verzameling van schilderijen uit China ten getale van 19 stuks.”
                                       26 April 1824: “Besluit ZM, d.d. 17 april, n. 115, de minister magtigende tot den aankoop van voorwerpen, ten behoeve
                                       van het Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden ‘s Hage, volgens bijgevoegde nota.”
                                       20 NA 2.04.01, 4925, Index 1824, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fifth Dept. Education, Arts and Sciences 1815-1848.
                                       “Executie 1 mei 8.F”; NA 2.04.01, 4882, 1 May 1824, F-series; NA 2.04.01, 4917, 1 May 1824.
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