Page 106 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 106
LOTUS’ FINIAL 爐頂白玉帶皮,扁圓柱形,通景鏤雕鷺鷥蓮塘
SONG DYNASTY 圖。荷枝高壯茂盛,荷花、蓮蓬、荷葉交錯纏
with a rounded upper outline and a design of 或飛,栩栩如生。
nine egrets amidst dense clusters of curling
stalks issuing lotus pods, blooms and leaves, 此器鏤雕層次豐富繁縟,畫意盎然,立體感
some birds rendered standing, some swooping 強,可見巧匠之鬼斧神工。
downwards, the stone of a pale greyish-white
colour highlighted with russet streaks 此爐頂飾九隻鷺鷥,意義深遠。古人用九隻鷺
8.8 cm, 3⅜ in. 鷥入畫,寓儒家「九思」之美意。《論語.季
HK$ 200,000-300,000 明,聽思聰,色思溫,貌思恭,言思忠,事思
US$ 25,800-38,700 體現君子道德修養的規限,常思考反省,使之
The motif of nine egrets, homophonous with the
expression jiusi (nine subjects of thought), was 乾隆御製詩〈詠宋做玉爐頂〉有曰:「刻畫為
closely associated with the teaching of Confucius 圖斯鼻祖,後人端是讓前人」。
(551-479 BC), who suggested nine essential
subjects of thought to the superior man.
Confucius advised, ‘The superior man has nine
things which are subjects with him of thoughtful
consideration. In regard to the use of his eyes, he
is anxious to see clearly. In regard to the use of
his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly. In regard
to his countenance, he is anxious that it should be
benign. In regard to his demeanour, he is anxious
that it should be respectful. In regard to his
speech, he is anxious that it should be sincere. In
regard to his doing of business, he is anxious that
it should be reverently careful. In regard to what
he doubts about, he is anxious to question others.
When he is angry, he thinks of the difficulties (his
anger may involve him in). When he sees gain
to be got, he thinks of righteousness.’ (James
Legge, The Chinese Classics: With a Translation,
Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena and
Copious Indexes, vol. 1: Confucius Analects, the
Great Learnings, and the Doctrine of the Mean,
London, 1869, p. 178).
End of Sale
104 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比