Page 12 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 12


The master of the Chang Shou Studio is a renowned       other friends, the master also frequently visits
Hong Kong entrepreneur whose love affair with jades     important international museums and research
began three decades ago. His studio name expresses      centers to advance his knowledge.
his wish for good health and longevity.
                                                              The master loves jade and appreciates its
      Over a period of many years, the master spared    virtues. The vastness, richness, and profundity of
no effort or expense acquiring jades, amassing a vast   Chinese culture are all manifest in the material
and varied collection that rivals the greatest private  qualities, patterns, forms, and craftsmanship of
collections in the world. His ancient jades range in    jades. The specialists of Sotheby’s are honoured to
period from the Shang, Zhou, and Han dynasties          have been given access to the master’s collection
through to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.     and to facilitate this opportunity for other collectors
Aside from some plaques and tablets, they consist       to share in their beauty.
mostly of animal and figure sculptures carved in
the round. In business as in collecting, the master           This special sale consists of 35 pieces carefully
is rigorous and diligent, researching and selecting     curated by the master himself, dating from the Han
his objects with care and dedication to ensure their    Dynasty through to the early Qing Dynasty. Among
consistent quality. He has formed study groups          them, ten are from the Hei-Chi Collection, with well-
with fellow jade collectors in China and abroad. In     documented provenances and detailed records of
regular meetings, they share their discoveries and      exhibition and publication. The master’s dedication
objects, thereby strengthening their friendships.       and diligence are awe-inspiring. It is with the wish
Accompanied by fellow jade lovers, scholars, and        that his treasured objects will find equally loving
                                                        caretakers that he has decided to let them go here.

Hei Chi
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