Page 94 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 94


A RARE YELLOW AND RUSSET                           南宋 黃玉臥獸
MYTHICAL BEAST                                     來源:
SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY                              Richard C. Bull 伉儷收藏
                                                   Kirknorton 收藏
skilfully depicted in a playful forward-crouching  熙墀收藏
pose with the front paws flanking its jaws, the
beast portrayed with a pair of floppy ears and     展覽:
globular piercing eyes above a prominent snout,    《Jade in Chinese Culture》,棕櫚泉沙漠博
the haunches well rendered with a defined          物館,棕櫚泉,1990年,編號26
muscular outline, the snout pierced through        《中國肖生玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,
horizontally for suspension, the lustrous yellow   1996年,編號106
and russet stone with an attractive patina
7.4 cm, 2⅞ in.                                     出版:
                                                   Brian Morgan,《Naturalism and Archaism:
PROVENANCE                                         Chinese Jades from the Kirknorton
Collection of Mr and Mrs Richard C. Bull.          姜濤及劉雲輝,《熙墀藏玉》,北京,2006
The Kirknorton Collection.                         年,頁157
The Hei-Chi Collection.


Jade in Chinese Culture, Palm Springs Desert
Museum, Palm Springs, 1990, cat. no. 26.
Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of
Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 106.


Brian Morgan, Naturalism and Archaism: Chinese
Jades from the Kirknorton Collection, London,
1995, no. 48.
Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from the Hei-Chi
Collection, Beijing, 2006, p. 157.

HK$ 1,000,000-1,500,000
US$ 129,000-194,000

92 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99