Page 10 - Bonhams Roy David's Collection Nov 2014 London
P. 10

Dominic Jellinek

I first became involved with Roy Davids and his collecting      that I owned the Bluett Archive and a project was formulated
Chinese ceramics in 2001, through a mutual friend, Professor    that became the book Provenance. The Sunday meetings
Desmond Laurence. Roy had met Dr Laurence some time             became an exchange of documents and ideas, and later of
earlier through a mutual acquaintance, for whom Roy was         proofs of the book. The happy combination of Roy’s abilities
able to sort out an awkward legal situation. It happened that   as a writer and researcher, and the mass of unpublished
Dr Laurence had some correspondence between himself             material in my possession allowed ‘Provenance’ to expand
and Osbert Sitwell and Roy, wearing his manuscript dealer’s     into a considerable publication.
hat, suggested that he might be able to sell the letters to an
American institution for the price of a Chinese pot. This led   Shortly before Roy embarked upon his Chinese Collection he
to Roy visiting Dr Laurence at his north London home, where     had built a single-storey extension at the back of his home,
his extensive collection of Chinese ceramics was displayed      which became the ‘Chinese Room’. Several fine pieces of arts
throughout the dining and drawing rooms. Grouped atop a         and crafts furniture were installed, along with two sofas and
display cabinet was a group of Imperial yellow and yellow-      professional lighting. Gradually the porcelain filled the room, to
ground ceramics, which caught Roy’s eye. I was called in to     make a remarkable show. The Chinese Room was preceded
establish a fair price, and a deal was done. The pots were      by a small library, and with Roy’s characteristic showmanship
packed up and placed in the boot of Roy’s car. As I happened    a visitor to the Collection would be guided through the house
to live along the route to Roy’s Oxfordshire home he offered    to this ante-room, and the double doors would be flung open
me a lift, and a friendship began.                              to reveal a show of Chinese opulence. Knowledgeable visitors
                                                                were welcomed, and I was often asked to join the ‘tour’. A
Roy is a consummate collector, arts and crafts furniture        few of these occasions are particularly memorable. When
and works of art, literary manuscripts and portraits and,       Richard Marchant came to see the Collection (much of which
more recently, European sculpture. Chinese ceramics were        had come from his gallery) Roy and I took him to lunch at the
collected with enthusiasm and growing knowledge. Roy built      local culinary treasure, the Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons. One
up a fine library on the subject and he was guided by the       summer’s day Roger and Miranda Keverne came down, and
leading dealers. Robert McPherson, Roger Keverne and the        were taken to lunch at the local market town, Thame. Over
Marchants were of great importance in the formation of this     a protracted meal Roger entertained us with his sometimes
collection. Through Richard Marchant Roy met Giuseppe           scurrilous stories of his dealing life. This was also the
Eskenazi, and was later to buy from him a superb famille        occasion for a session of haggling. Roger had brought with
rose jar and cover. Richard and Stuart Marchant became          him a Shunzhi period wucai jar decorated with red-headed
good friends, and many of Roy’s best pieces came from that      boys washing an elephant. The jar was unwrapped in Roy’s
firm. Roy enjoyed the pursuit of an object and haggling over    Chinese Room and was much admired. Roy countered
the price was very much part of the pleasure. A particularly    Roger’s asking price with a substantially lower offer and the
protracted game was played over the purchase from               battle continued until it was time to leave for lunch, and the
Marchant of the beautiful famille verte vase that was chosen    jar was packed up and put in the back of Roger’s car. During
to illustrate the dust jacket of our book Provenance.           lunch this ‘bidding war’ continued in a fairly dilatory fashion,
                                                                until eventually Roger gave up and the jar was transferred
In the autumn of 2003 I moved house to Princes Risborough,      from Roger’s car to Roy’s.
at the edge of the Chiltern Hills, about ten miles from Roy’s
home, and more or less along his route home from London.        By 2012 Roy’s attention had shifted from Chinese ceramics
From time to time Roy would telephone to tell me that he        to European sculpture. The Chinese Room was so full there
was on his way home with a new pot, which he wanted to          was no longer much space for additions. Apart from a few
discuss with me. Shortly afterwards he would arrive with a      significant purchases made in New York from Ralph M. Chait
bubble-wrapped bundle, and after examining and considering      Galleries, this particular adventure was, for Roy, at an end.
the piece we would head off for dinner at a local pub. This     The sale will provide the chance for others to enjoy these
developed into a regular meeting for Sunday dinner at The       pieces, and the Catalogue will be a lasting record of the
Peacock in the village of Henton. By this time Roy was aware    Collection.
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