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173                                                                        The painted decoration on the present bowl was created by applying
                                                                           a slip in strokes on the brown glaze before firing. Several similar
A rare Jizhou painted bowl                                                 examples without metal rims are illustrated in The Complete Collection
Song Dynasty                                                               of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelain of the Song Dynasty,
                                                                           Hong Kong, 2001, pp.249-252, pls.249-252; Another similar example
Potted with rounded sides rising from a short foot, covered inside         illustrated by Ireneus Laszlo Legeza, The Malcolm Macdonald
and out with a black-brown glaze ending on the exterior in an              Collection of Chinese Ceramics, London, 1972, pp.26-27, no.130.
irregular line above the foot exposing the burnt reddish-orange ware,      Another similarly decorated Jizhou painted bowl, formerly in the
the interior freely painted in buff colour with swirl patterns, the mouth  collection of Ruth Dreyfus, exhibited in The Arts of the Sung Dynasty
rim with remnants of metal lining.                                         at the Oriental Ceramic Society, London, 1960, no.192, was sold at
12cm diam.                                                                 Christie’s New York, 18 March 2009, lot 332.

HK$50,000 - 80,000                                                         器口外撇,斜壁,淺圈足。通體施黑釉,滿釉至底足,口沿及盞內壁
US$6,500 - 10,000
宋 吉州窯黑釉彩繪月梅盌



                                                                           為常見題材之一。北京故宮博物 院藏有數件採用類似裝飾手法的吉


                                                                           瓷器(下)》,香港,2001年,頁249-252,圖版 227-230。其他類
                                                                           似的例子,見Ireneus Laszlo Legeza著,《The Malcolm Macdonald
                                                                           Collection of Chinese Ceramics》,倫敦,1972年,頁26-27,
                                                                           圖130;另一件Ruth Dreyfus舊藏並於倫敦東方陶瓷協會展覽的例子,
                                                                           見《The Arts of the Sung Dynasty》,倫敦,1960年,圖192。紐約佳

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