Page 286 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 286

250                                                                   Although no other Neolithic pottery model of a foot seems to have
A rare painted pottery tankard formed as a                            been published, two boots attributed respectively to the Xibor Culture
humanoid foot                                                         and Qijia Culture have been illustrated by Simon Kwan, Chinese
Neolithic Period, Gansu Province                                      Neolithic Pottery, Muwen Tang Fine Arts Publication, 2005, nos. 128
The vessel with a short strap handle on one side, decorated with      and 93. A more carefully finished pottery boot is also illustrated, op.cit.,
groups of three lines to the foot and horizontal bands on the ankle,  fig.28, p.37 where a Beixin Culture origin is suggested as the vessel
the base exposing the pale reddish-brown ware.                        was unearthed at Liewan, Ledu, Qinghai Province; the culture is much
14.7cm high                                                           earlier, dating to circa 5400-4100BC.

HK$200,000 - 300,000                                                  陶罐仿人體足部製作而成,胎呈暗紅色。頸部近似筒狀,並在口沿下
US$26,000 - 39,000
新石器時代 彩繪足形陶罐 甘肅地區


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