Page 48 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 48

116                                                                     Often referred to by Chinese scholars as ‘moon white’, pale blue-white
A fine small Junyao ‘bubble’ cup                                        Jun glazes have a lustrous and opalescent quality that is highly sought
Northern Song Dynasty                                                   after. Examples of ‘moon white’ glaze include a Junyao dish with
Elegantly potted with curved sides rising to a gently inverted rim,     foliated sides in the Sir Percival David collection, illustrated in Song
covered overall in an even milky blue glaze, thinning to greyish-beige  Ceramics: Objects of Admiration, London, 2003, pp.46-47, no.13; and
at the mouth rim, pooling thickly above the short slightly-splayed      a larger similarly-glazed deep bowl sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28
unglazed foot.                                                          November 2012, lot 2278.
9cm diam.
HK$200,000 - 300,000                                                    釉。盌內外均為天青色,口沿處泛起茄紫色。整器造型小巧伶俐,發
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                      色賦予變化,釉料肥厚,清優古雅。

北宋 鈞窯天青釉小盌                                                              有關此類小盌之研究及例子,可參考奉文堂收藏中的另一件拍品,拍

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