Page 13 - Fine Japanese Art Auction November 2 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                    NAKED MAN SLEEPING ON A BAG
                                                               1  |   AN EARLY IVORY NETSUKE                                                                                                   Unsigned
                                                                     OF TWO CHINESE WRESTLERS                                                                                                  Japan, mid-18th century, Edo period (1615-1868)

                                                               Japan, early 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868)                                                                               A compact and beautifully rounded ivory netsuke with superb aji
                                                                                                                                                                                               (patina). Depicted is a naked man, his supple smooth buttocks
                                                                                                                                                                                               shown in the back, leaning on one elbow and sleeping atop a large
                                                               Set on a large, thick rectangular base and surmounted by two                                                                    tied bag. In one hand he holds the rope which ties up the bag. The
                                                               Chinese wrestlers grabbing and pulling at each other. Their faces                                                               subject matter is unclear; Gabor Wilhelm suggests he is guarding
                                                               are crafted with good detail, conveying the struggle very well. Large                                                           his money (this type of bag is typically associated with Hotei’s
                                                               himotoshi through the base. Excellent and smooth orange honey                                                                   WUHDVXUH   %HDXWLIXOO\ ZRUQ IHDWXUHV  KRQH\ SDWLQD DQG W\SLFDOO\
                                                               patina throughout.                                                                                                              large, generous himotoshi through the back and underside.
                                                               HEIGHT 5.4 cm                                                                                                                   HEIGHT 3.8 cm
                                                               Condition: Very good condition, with beautiful patina and expected                                                              Condition: Good and worn condition with beautiful patina. Small,
                                                               age cracks.                                                                                                                     old chip to the edge of the rope.
                                                               Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.                                                                                       Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.

                                                               Estimate EUR 1.000,-                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 800,-
                                                               Starting price EUR 500,-                                                                                                        Starting price EUR 400,-

                                                                                                            2  |   A RARE AND EARLY IVORY
                                                                                                                  NETSUKE OF RIHAKU

                                                                                                            Japan, early to mid-18th century, Edo period (1615-1868)

                                                                                                            $Q HDUO\ LYRU\ QHWVXNH RI WKH SRHW 5LKDNX  LQ &KLQHVH /L %DL  VKRZQ
                                                                                                            seated on a base leaning on a scholarly table. He is wearing a
                                                                                                            traditional Chinese cap and a flowing, well-carved Chinese robe. His
                                                                                                            facial features are crafted extraordinarily well indicating his happy
                                                                                                            mood, probably after drinking some wine – a popular subject of
                                                                                                            KLV SRHPV  %HDXWLIXO GHHS \HOORZ DQG KRQH\ SDWLQD DQG H[FHOOHQW
                                                                                                            himotoshi through the under- and backside of the rectangular
                                                                                                            This netsuke belongs to a group of early ivory netsuke set on bases
                                                                                                            (catalog nos. 1-4), though usually the details are not as refined as in
                                                                                                            the present example, making this carving exceptionally rare.                                                                    4  |   AN EARLY IVORY NETSUKE OF A CHINESE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MAN SLEEPING ON AN OPIUM BED
                                                                                                            HEIGHT 4.3 cm
                                                                                                            Condition: Very good age-related condition with expected age                                                                    Japan, early 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868)
                                                                                                            cracks and stunning patina.
                                                                                                            Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Depicting a Chinese man dressed in Chinese clothes and sleeping,
                                                                                                            /LWHUDWXUH FRPSDULVRQ  &RPSDUH WR %DUU\ 'DYLHV  7KH 5REHUW 6                                                                    with his head rested on a pillow, on a traditional Chinese opium
                                                                                                            +XWKDUW &ROOHFWLRQ RI 1RQ ΖZDPL 1HWVXNH  QR     %DUU\ 'DYLHV GDWHV                                                              bed of Kang form. Set on a base, with large central himotoshi
                                                                                                            this piece late 17th/early 18th century.                                                                                        through the underside. The man is in a deep slumber, smiling and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            visibly inebriated from the opium smoke.
                                                                                                            /L %DL     Ȃ     ZDV D IDPRXV SRHW GXULQJ WKH 7DQJ G\QDVW\  RIWHQ
                                                                                                            referred to as China’s golden age of poetry. In 724 AD he set out                                                               HEIGHT 4.3 cm
                                                                                                            from his home region of Shu and began a life of roaming— visiting
                                                                                                            Daoist sites, meeting many scholars, and leaving behind hundreds                                                                Condition: Good condition with appealing patina and many
                                                                                                            of poems about his travels, his solitude, his friends, the moon, and                                                            expected age cracks.
                                                                                                            especially the pleasures of drinking wine.                                                                                      Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.
                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 1.500,-                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 800,-
                                                                                                            Starting price EUR 750,-                                                                                                        Starting price EUR 400,-

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