Page 261 - Fine Japanese Art Auction November 2 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 261


                                                                                                                                                                                               326 |  MUNEHARU: AN AMUSING IVORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                    OKIMONO OF A KAPPA WITH CUCUMBER
                                                                                                                                                                                               By Muneharu, signed Muneharu
                                                                                                                                                                                               Japan, late 19th century, Meiji period (1868-1912)

                                                                                                                                                                                               A very well detailed and amusing okimono depicting a kappa pulling
                                                               325 |  MEIDO: A RARE TONKOTSU WITH BAT       HEIGHT tonkotsu 6.5 cm, HEIGHT kiseruzutsu 22.2 cm                                 a huge cucumber, the favourite food of the kappa, with a rope.
                                                                     AND REISHI, WITH EN SUITE KISERUZUTSU                                                                                     The aquatic creature has its head tilted to the left with squinting
                                                                                                            Condition: Excellent condition.                                                    eyes, inlaid in dark horn, and is exclaiming as the large cucumber
                                                               The Tonkotsu by Asahi Meido (1843-1923), signed Meido  Provenance: British collection.                                          is probably very heavy. The rope is carved very precisely and ties
                                                               Japan, dated 1921                                                                                                               around the cucumber several times. The cucumber is also carved
                                                                                                            According to Ueda Reikichi, Asahi Meido (1843-1923) was an expert                  realistically with the spiny surface stippled and the characteristic
                                                               Published: Max Rutherston Ltd., Kitsuengu from Jacques Carre and   ivory carver and some of his work was selected by The Japanese   ‘dots’ inlaid in horn. The kappa has long hair with a soft spot in
                                                               others, 2018, London, no. 37.                government for Columbus exhibition in America of 1983.                             the center, which is where it keeps its vital fluids. Amusingly, since
                                                                                                                                                                                               kappa are ferocious but polite creatures, the best way to defeat a
                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 4.000,-                                                               kappa is by respectfully bowing, so that it shall return the favour
                                                               The Tonkotsu carved from fruitwood in the shape of a bat, its wing   Starting price EUR 2.000,-                                 thus spilling out its vital fluids. The ivory bearing a very good colour
                                                               carved on the side with the ends joining on the underside. The face                                                             with a light stain and the signature MUNEHARU ඐԛ is found in a
                                                               of the bat is carved beautifully, the eyes inlaid in black horn, with                                                           rounded reserve under the cucumber.
                                                               plenty of typically Japanese humor. The cord holes behind the bats
                                                               head are ringed in green-stained ivory. The lid is finely carved from                                                           HEIGHT 5 cm, LENGTH 9.5 cm
                                                               ivory with reishi fungus. The underside of the lid with inscription
                                                               dated 1921 and signed MEIDO džࠧ.                                                                                                 Condition: The okimono is in very good condition with no
                                                                                                                                                                                               restorations, only the tip of the cucumber branch has a small chip.
                                                               With a fine en suite kiseruzutsu of musozutsu form and carved                                                                   Provenance: British private collection.
                                                               from bamboo, though simulating wood – an incredible feat! The
                                                               cord attachment is crisply carved with further reishi. The ivory ojime                                                          Estimate EUR 2.000,-
                                                               with a faded signature and a figural depiction of Okame.                                                                        Starting price EUR 1.000,-

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