Page 215 - Pandolfini JUne 15, 201 Chinese and Asian Art, Florence IT
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1. Pandolfini CASA D’ASTE s.r.l. is charged with selling objects entrusted withdrawing a lot from the same. Pandolfini CASA D’ASTE s.r. at Any explicit 14. Pursuant to and as an effect of art. 22 Legislative Decree no.
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Director of the sale shall be available for any clarification; the purpose due by both the principal and by the purchaser. The delivery of the to notification, with particular reference to Italian Legislative Decree and €. 200,000
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7. During the auction the Auctioneer shall have the right to combine within fourteen (14) days from entering into possession of the object the cancellation of the purchase or the non-payment of the same. It
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