Page 160 - Fine Chinese Art Bonhams London May 2018
P. 160

141 *
                                                                              A LARGE GILT-BRONZE REPOUSSE
                                                                              FIGURE OF CHAKRASAMVARA AND
                                                                              19th century
                                                                              Both standing in pratiyalida, embracing with
                                                                              slightly wrathful faces, his primary arms
                                                                              wrapped around his consort, the others
                                                                              outstretched holding various attributes,
                                                                              wearing a beaded sash and garlands of
                                                                              skulls and severed heads with an tiger-skin
                                                                              over his back, trampling Kalaratri on the
                                                                              left and Bhairava on the right, both figures
                                                                              adorned in beaded jewellery and crowns, all
                                                                              supported on a lotus base.
                                                                              55cm (21 5/8in) high. (5).

                                                                              £30,000 - 50,000
                                                                              CNY270,000 - 450,000
                                                                              十九世紀 銅鎏金勝樂金剛擁妃立像

                                                                              Chakrasamvara is the principal
                                                                              transformational deity (yiddam) of the
           140                                                                Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. He is
                                                                              also the focal deity of the main tantra of
                                                                              the Anuttarayoga Wisdom classification
                                                                              of Buddhism, symbolising the fulfilment
           140                                                                of Wisdom and Compassion when
           A THANGKA OF SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA    Finely clad in red robes decorated with   blissfully embracing his consort. From
           Tibet, 18th century               gilt blossoming flowers, the Buddha sits   Chakrasamvara’s neck hangs a garland of
           Distemper on cloth, framed and glazed.    in contemplation. His arms in the earth-  severed heads, signifying the purification of
           62.5cm x 44 cm (24 1/2in x 13 3/8in);    touching mudra, the legs in dhyanasana   speech and the mental factors according
           with cloth mount: 109cm x 64.5cm    posture. He is flanked by his two principal   to the Chittamatra or Mind-Only School as
           (42 7/8in x 25 3/8in).            disciples Sariputra and Mahamaudgalyayana,  described by Asanga. A related figure of
                                             each holding a khakkhara staff in the right   Chakrasamvara and consort from the Yonghe
           £6,000 - 8,000                    hand and an alm’s bowl in the left. He is   Temple, Beijing, is illustrated by Du Jianye
           CNY54,000 - 71,000                further surrounded by six of the sixteen   in Yonghegong: Palace of Harmony, Hong
                                             arhats, the original followers of Buddha.   Kong, 1993, p.127. A related but earlier gilt
           西藏 十八世紀 彩繪釋迦牟尼佛唐卡                 Above Shakyamuni, floating on wispy   bronze figure of Chakrasamvara and consort,
                                             clouds, is Tsongkhapa, the founder of the   18th century, in the Norton Simon Museum,
           Provenance: a European private collection   Gelug order of Tibetan Buddhism, flanked   Pasadena,
                                             by Vajrasattva and Avalokiteshvara, the
           來源: 歐洲私人收藏                        lower register with Vajrabhairava flanked by   A similar but much smaller gilt-bronze figure
                                             Mahakala and Yama Dharmaraja.    of Chakrasamvara and consort, 18th century,
                                                                              was sold at Bonhams London, 11 May 2017,
                                             Compare with a similar thangka of   lot 106.
                                             Shakyamuni, 18th century, which was sold
                                             at Christie’s New York, 18 march 2015, lot   142 - 150
                                             4033.                            No lots

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           152  |  BONHAMS                        please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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