Page 308 - Fine Chinese Art Bonhams London May 2018
P. 308

APPENDIX 2                         3    PAYMENT                      4.4   If you have not collected the Lot by the date
                                                                                  specified in the Notice to Bidders, you authorise us,
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       IMPORTANT: These terms may be changed in advance of   pay to us by not later than 4.30pm on the second   Storage Contractor for the storage of the Lot on the
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            this agreement and we agree, subject to the terms   payment payable to us. If you do not pay the
            below, to the following obligations:   Purchase Price, or any other sum due to us in   5    STORING THE LOT
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            paragraphs 9 and 10.               to release the Lot to you, once you have paid to us,   date is specified, by 4.30pm on the seventh day
                                               in cleared funds, everything due to the Seller and   after the Sale) we may remove the Lot to another
       1.6    We do not make or give and do not agree to make   to us, we will release the Lot  to you or as you may   location, the details of which will usually be set out
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            us. Any such Description or Estimate, if made by us   times specified in the Notice to Bidders. Thereafter,   Contract for Sale, the risk in the Lot passed to you
            or on our behalf, was (unless Bonhams itself sells   the Lot may be removed elsewhere for storage and   when it was knocked down to you.
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                                               set out in the Notice to Bidders.  Lot as soon as possible after the Sale.
            You undertake to us personally that you will
            observe and comply with all your obligations and
            undertakings to the Seller under the Contract for
            Sale in respect of the Lot.

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