Page 72 - Fine Chinese Art Bonhams London May 2018
P. 72

Villa Vitiano

           A RARE LIMESTONE HEAD OF GUANYIN                  According to the owner, the present lot, amongst other Chinese works
           12th/13th century                                 of art, was sold to Raffaello Landini in the 1950s as part of Villa Vitiano
           The head finely carved in sensuous volumes, the full fleshy face with   and its furnishings, which previously belonged to Mr Moriani, who, in
           slightly downcast eyes accentuated by wide arched eyebrows, straight   turn, had acquired the Chinese art collection from Count Gregorio Calvi
           nose, plump pouty lips and subtle double-chin, the forehead with a   di Bergolo in 1947 as part of a Rome apartment and its furnishings.
           circular recess to hold the urna, with pendulous ears and neatly-dressed
           hair drawn up in a high chignon secured by a foliate crown fastened   A list of objects acquired from Count Calvi di Bergolo dated 2 October
           fastened with a ribbon at the back and with a central Buddha Amitabha   1947, Rome, notes two Chinese stone heads (nos.4-5).
           amidst interlacing floral scrolls, traces of coloured pigments remaining.
           43.3cm (17in) high.                               Finely carved in rounded volume, with neatly arranged hair below
                                                             the elaborate tiara centred with a figure of Amitabha amidst intricate
           £50,000 - 80,000                                  floral scrolls, the present head can be stylistically compared with a
           CNY450,000 - 710,000                              grey limestone head of Avalokiteshvara, Song dynasty, illustrated by
                                                             O.Siren, Chinese Sculpture from the Fifth to the Fourteenth Century,
           十二/十三世紀 石灰岩觀音頭像                                   London, 1970, pl.563C.

           Provenance: Count Gregorio Calvi di Bergolo, Rome, prior to
           2 October 1947, by repute
           Mr Moriani, Villa Vitiano, San Polo, Tuscany, Italy, by repute
           Raffaello Landini, Villa Vitiano, San Polo, Tuscany, Italy, circa 1950s,
           and thence by descent

           據傳於1947年10月2日前由羅馬Gregorio Calvi di Bergolo伯爵收藏
           約1950年代為意大利托斯卡尼Raffaello Landini先生收藏,並由後人

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           70  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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