Page 10 - Chinese and japanese porcelain silk and lacquer Canepa
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Acknowledgements                                            Esterhuizen, and Jane Klose; in Spain to María Isabel Álvaro Zamora, Rosa Benavides;

                                                             Antonio F. Dávila Serrano, Dr. José Gasch-Tomás, Yayoi Kawamura, Dr. Cinta Krahe,
                                                             José Manuel Casado Paramio, Alfonso Martín Flores, Laura Pérez Vega, Fernando
                                                             Rodriguez Suarez, and Father Lázaro Sastre; in Switzerland to Prof. Dr. Christine
                                                             Göttler; in Taiwan to Dr. Lu Tai-Kang, and Dr. Sakai Takashi; in The Netherlands to
                                                             Johann Bisschop, Bruno Blondé, Dr. Jan de Hond, Miguel Gomes da Costa, Alejandro
 This doctoral dissertation is the result of several years of a multidisciplinary study and   Mirabal, Sebastiaan Ostkamp, Dr. Jet Pijzel-Dommise, Dr. Dries Raeymaekers,
 it is indebted to many museums, institutions, scholars, archaeologists, art historians,   Christine van der Pijl-Ketel, and Jan Veenendaal; in the United Kingdom to John P.
 art dealers and collectors from all over the world.         Allan, Malcolm Barret, David Beasley, Thomas Cadbury, Philippa Glanville, Dr. Todd
 I  will  remain  forever  grateful  to  my  promotor  Prof.  Dr.  Christiaan  Jörg.  His   Gray, Chris Jarret, Jenny Liddle, Dr. Li Baoping, Val Maxfield, Gill Neal, Jacqueline
 supervision and the fascinating discussions we had in person, via email and phone,   Pierce, and Stuart Tyler; in the United States to Mari-Tere Alvarez, Karina Corrigan,
 opened up new perspectives and broadened my knowledge, enriching substantially     Chester DePratter, Jack Harbeston, Paul Huey, George Kuwayama, Linda Pomper,
 the contents of the dissertation. I am also indebted to Prof. Dr. Anne Gerritsen for   Jeffrey Quilter, Cordelia Thomas Snow, Filipe  Vieira de Castro, and Edward von
 her support.                                                der Porten.
 I am especially grateful for the comments and suggestions of the reading   I  also owe  my  gratitude  to auction houses  and  specialist dealers  in  Chinese,
 committee. Prof. Dr. Jos J.L. Gommans, Prof. Dr. Titus M. Eliëns, Dr. Eva Ströber,   Japanese and European fine and decorative arts. In England I am thankful to Altea
 Dr. Jan van Campen, Dr. Rose Kerr, and Prof. Peter Y.K. Lam, all helped to refine my   Gallery; Martin Roberts, Jacqueline Simcox, Johnny van Haeften, Old Masters &
 ideas and to improve and highlight crucial aspects of the study. I would also like to   Early British Paintings Department, Christie’s London; and Luísa Vinhais and Jorge
 thank Annemarie Jordan Gschwend for her kindness in accepting to be an outsider   Welsh; in Germany to Frieder Aichele; in The Netherlands to Rob Bruil; in New York
 reader and for her valuable suggestions.                    to Katsura Yamaguchi, Christie’s New York. Katharine Butler in England; Tom and
 I express my deepest gratitude to a number of directors and curators from   Nancy Lurie in the United States; and Werner Troesch in Switzerland were generous
 museums and other public and educational institutions around the world, as well as to   in allowing me to examine their porcelain collections, and providing me with images
 clerics and other individuals from monasteries and churches in Portugal and Spain, for   for research purposes.
 providing me with information about specific aspects of their areas of specialization,   I would like to make special mention of my colleagues and friends Beth Gardiner
 and/or granting me permission to include in the dissertation images of textiles or   and Vivian Tong for their constant support. I am greatly indebted to Beth for the
 objects from their collections.                             time and energy she devoted to reading and revising this dissertation, and to Vivian
 I would also like to acknowledge the exceeding generosity of many scholars,   for her assistance in translating Chinese texts. I would also like to acknowledge the
 and terrestrial and marine archaeologists who shared with me their research finds,   outstanding work of the graphic designer Welmoet Wartena, whose great creativity
 and also granted me permission to illustrate some of them. I owe a particular debt of   and many hours of work enabled me to present this dissertation in book format.
 gratitude to the Chinese archaeologists: Prof. Li Jian’an from Fuzhou; and Prof. Cao   I am eternally grateful to my family, my husband José Antonio Canepa and
 Jianwen, Huang Wei and Huang Qinghua from Jingdezhen, who were instrumental   my three children Gianfranco, José Antonio and Daniela Flavia. Without their love,
 in permitting me to visit various kiln sites in their respective provinces, and discussed   constant encouragement, support and patience it would not have been possible to
 with me their recent archaeological finds during my visits to China. I express my   complete this study. I am especially grateful to Daniela for accompanying me in several
 gratitude to the following people: In Argentina to Luis María Calvo; in Bermuda to   research trips. I would also like to express my gratitude to my parents Pedro Llorens
 Charlotte Andrews, Elena Strong, and Wendy S. Tucker; in Canada to Aaron Miller;   and Maria Teresa Planella, who through their professional careers introduced me to
 in Chile to Mónica Barrera, Claudia Prado and Verónica Reyes; in China to Prof. Liu   Chinese and Japanese culture and art, as well as to archaeology. I also owe a special word
 Zhaohiu; in Cuba to Dr. Lourdes Domínguez; in Denmark to Peter Kristiansen; in the   of thanks to my mother and Dr. Viviana Manriquez for helping me with transcriptions
 Dominican Republic to Pedro Borrell, Tracy Bowden, Juan López, Violeta Martínez,   of sixteenth and early seventeenth-century Spanish and Portuguese texts.
 Juan Pérez Morales, Tania Pitaluga, Federico Schad, and Francis Soto; in France to
 Franck Goddio; in Germany to Prof. Dr. Dagmar Eichberger, and Daniel Suebsman;
 in India to Nizammudin Taher, Rohini Pande and Abhijit Ambekar; in Italy to Prof.
 Francesco Morena, and Maura Rinaldi; in Japan to Nogami Takenori; in Malaysia
 to Sten Sjostrand; in Mauritius to Yann Von Arnim; in Macao to Roy Sit Kai Sin; in
 Mexico to Patricia Fournier García, Susana Gómez Serafín, and Eladio Terreros; in
 Peru to Miguel Fhon, and Juan Mogrovejo; in Portugal to Salomé Abreu, Francisco
 Alves, José António Bettencourt, Iva Botelho, Catarina Garcia, Lígia Inês Gambini,
 Mathilda Larsson, James  W. Nelson Novoa, Luís Rufo, Dr. Nuno Senos, Miguel
 Serra, Mário Varela Gomes, and Nuno Vasallo e Silva; in South Africa to Dr. Valerie

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