Page 103 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 103

Kangxi reign. From the Yongzheng period onwards it was           happen to form the name Qinghui—this is unusual for Jiaqing’s
where the emperor would sleep while in the imperial garden.      imperial seals. The texts of both trailing seals are excerpts
Located close to the palace and in an elevated area secluded     from classical poetry, but both describe exactly what Jiaqing
by vegetation, Qinghuige naturally became an important place     would see at Qinghuige and thus become perfect literary
for leisure for the emperor. Records show that on the north      expressions of the scenery. Yunri xiang huiying is taken from a
wall of Qinghuige there was hung a monumental image of the       poem by the important writer Xie Lingyun of the Six Dynasties
complete vista of Yuanmingyuan,2 possibly for the emperor’s      period. In it Xie describes the miraculous scene he saw during
viewing pleasure. According to extant documents, we know         a tour of a solitary island in the middle of a river: white clouds
that when Qianlong stayed in Yuanmingyuan, he spent much         and a brilliant sun, illuminating each other, are reflected in
time at Qinghuige and especially enjoyed listing to pines in     the river, creating an infinite expanse of light that nonetheless
wind, drinking tea, and playing the zither in front of the nine  has the feeling of a void. Shuimu zhan qinghua is drawn from
pine trees there.                                                the Eastern Jin poet Xie Hun’s poem describing the scenery
                                                                 that he saw with a friend while traveling around Xichi. The
After ascending the throne, Jiaqing went to Qinghuige for        particular couplet in question describes a dusk scene, with
the first time in 1801 and wrote a poem commemorating the        birds gathering happily in their nests and the last rays of the
occasion.3 In it Jiaqing praises the scenery, expresses his      sun caressing the lake area. Under this illumination the water
appreciation for Qianlong’s benevolence, and articulates his     appears especially pure, and the trees especially alluring. Both
resolve to follow Qianlong’s example and maintain the health     couplets referenced by Jiaqing’s seals are perfect descriptions
of the people. Every year afterwards, Jiaqing would come to      of the scenery in Yuanmingyuan and around Qinghuige. The
Qinghuige in mid-summer to escape the heat and compose           reasons for their selection by Jiaqing are easy to understand.
poems, which give us insight to his thoughts and feelings.
Jiaqing praised Qinghuige as an excellent place to escape        From the above, we know that the Yunri xiang huiying seal was
summer heat in various different poetic expressions, which       one of the imperial seal ensembles that the Jiaqing Emperor
clearly convey both his pleasure and the attractiveness and      had made specifically for Qinghuige and used in the same
elegance of the scenery around him. We can imagine the           place. Such seals were typically stored in their corresponding
Emperor enjoying his leisure, playing the qin and drinking a     palaces. Although they were used relatively infrequently, they
cup of tea after a day of handling the affairs of government.    were important symbols of their corresponding palaces and
However, Jiaqing often expressed also his concern for his        remain artefacts of tremendous historical, artistic and cultural
subjects. No doubt Qinghuige was a place for the Emperor         value.
both to relax and to contemplate quietly important questions.
                                                                 1 Guo Fuxiang, Ming Qing dihou xiyin [Ming and Qing imperial seals], Beijing,
We are not better positioned to understand the relationships      2003, p. 169.
between the three seals in the Qinghuige ensemble. The
trailing seal Shuimu zhan qinghua offers a clear and direct      2 Yu Minzhong [Qing dynasty] et al., eds, Qinding rixia jiuwen kao [Imperially
explanation of the name of the palace, Qinghuige. The fourth      authorised edition of historical studies of Beijing], juan 80.
characters in Shuimu zhan qinghua and Yunri xiang huiying
                                                                 3 Yongyan [Qing dynasty], Yuzhi shi chuji [Imperial poems, vol. 1], juan 31.

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